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他在州街登上了一辆北行的有轨电车。He took a northbound trolley on State Street.

北行的车辆也最终停止。Northbound traffic was also eventually halted.

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那辆车身庞大的外国轿车就这样在两条北行车道上左右摇摆着继续飞奔而去。The big foreign sedan swayed across the two northbound lanes.

长城上罗斯米德大道东210高速公路北行线。Wall on northbound lanes of 210 freeway east of Rosemead Blvd.

魏公祠遗址址在今西关西街口路北。Wei Gongci ruins site in this western port clearance West northbound.

连接皇珠路西行及青云路北行的支路。The slip road connecting Wong Chu Road westbound and Tsing Wun Road northbound.

雪犁75号州际公路北行在底特律,星期三,2011年2月2日明确一条巷子里。Snow plows clear a lane on northbound Interstate 75 in Detroit, Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011.

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这样的话,你会遇到伙伴,因为每年大约有500,000只往北飞的沙丘鹤中途会在同一地点停留。If so, you’d have company. About 500,000 northbound sandhills make the same stopover every year.

运价面临的压力还包括高昂的燃料价格、不佳的水流状况以及强烈的北运需求。Also pressuring rates is the high cost of fuel, low water conditions, and strong northbound demand.

由包头乘车北行,过固阳县就进入白云鄂博大草原了。Baotou by car from the northbound carriageway, the Guyang County on the Prairie into the Bayan Obo.

深圳湾公路大桥将会全面封闭,所有北行车辆须经厦村交汇处折返。The Shenzhen Bay Bridge will be closed. Northbound vehicles will be diverted away at Ha Tsuen Interchange.

礼亲王府位于西城区西皇城根南街西侧,即大酱坊胡同东口路北。Liqin Wang House at the West City West Street west of Imperial root, miso Square East Side alley northbound.

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他希望这卡车能保持在北向的车道上,不让他就没选择只能自己转向路外面的泥地。He hoped the truck stayed put in the northbound lane, otherwise he’d have no choice but to find a field himself.

在此希望牠与牠的后代在北飞时,能躲过那些南移大学生车子的挡风玻璃。S. in the spring. Here's hoping it and its northbound progeny avoid the windshields of southbound college students.

沿着起伏的达芬街往北,一路上免不了要时常推着自行车走,因此花了不少时间。I went northbound along rugged Dufferin Street, so I had to spend lots of time on pushing rather than riding bicycle.

在曼城1-0取得足总杯半决赛比赛胜利后,一条北向的交通线又恢复畅通。One of the northbound lanes was open again by the end of the FA Cup semi-final, which finished 1-0 to Manchester City.

承接北人牌各类型胶印机的大、中、小维修业务。Northbound person licensed to undertake various types of offset printing press of large, medium and small repair operations.

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故宝成门原址应位于衡阳路、宝庆路与中华路北向公车专用道交界处一带。Bao is a door should be in situ in Hengyang Road, Baoqing Road and the Chinese bus lanes to northbound at the junction of the area.

位于开封市中山路北段,是为再现宋代御街风貌,于1988年建成的一条仿宋商业街。Kaifeng City, in the northbound , the reproduction is the Song Dynasty style Royal Street, built in 1988 a Fangsong Commercial Street.

新设的出入口有五个,其中三个位于扩建的车站大堂,两个位于美田路以南连接东铁北行大堂。Of the five new entrances, three will be to the extended concourse and two to the northbound East Rail concourse south of Mei Tin Road.