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他哑口无言Nothing. Zero.

帕特没说话。Pat said nothing.

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我不欠他什么。I owe him nothing.

对你,我已仁至义尽了。I owe you nothing.

我们并不遗憾。We regret nothing.

吉米一声不吭。Jimmy said nothing.

它服从全或无法则It's all or nothing.

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不要了,谢谢。No, thanks. Nothing.

什么也没发生,好吧,那为什么呢?Nothing. OK, so why?

问人不费分文。Asking costs nothing.

我几乎什么也没做。I did almost nothing.

当然只剩下文字了。Nothing but the text.

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一切非匿名。Nothing is anonymous.

一无所失。There is nothing lost.

好的,没什么特别的。Well, nothing special.

礼貌不须什麽代价。Civility costs nothing.

我大牛怕什么啊。I am afraid of nothing.

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没有什么岔子可出。Nothing has gone wrong.

卫兵什么也没说。The guard said nothing.

这完全合情合理。There is nothing wrong.