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在最后,我们会看一个,异核双原子分子的例子。Then at the end, we'll look at an example with a heteronuclear diatomic molecules.

在最后,我们会看一个,异核双原子分子的例子。Then at the end, we'll look at an example with a heteronuclear diatomic molecules.

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任何异核双原子分子必然具有偶极矩,因为它的两端是不同的。Any heteronuclear diatomic molecule must have a dipole moment since its two ends are different.

众所周知异核二维实验在中、小分子的结构确定中非常重要。D heteronuclear NMR experiments are very useful tools for determining the structure of small or medium molecules.

本文介绍在FX系列NMR谱仪上完成一维异核化学位移相关实验的方法。A method for one-dimensional heteronuclear chemical-shift correlation experiments on a FX-series NMR spectrometer is introduced.

研究新型杂环杀虫剂FIPRONIL对蚊蝇蟑三种卫生害虫的活性,评价其在卫生害虫防治领域中应用的实际意义。This paper reports the activities of new heteronuclear insecticide FIPRONIL with the special mechanism on three kinds of health pests.

通过本项目研究,建立了异核多维核磁共振测定蛋白质三维结构,研究结构与功能关系的系统方法。In this project, we set up the systematic methods for determine three-dimensional structure of proteins by using heteronuclear magnetic resonance.

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如果你看那些相同电子的分子,你想计算共享能,你也许会从,两个组成部分的总能量。If you looked at heteronuclear molecules and you wanted to compute the bond energy, you might start with the bond energies of the two constituents.

通过对钼系延期药各组分的性质的分析研究,从理论上探讨其异核结晶的结晶机理。The crystalline mechanism of heteronuclear crystalline is found out by theoretical analyzing the chemical property of molybdenum delay composition.

后来来我这告诉我们,Pauling,came,along,later,and,told,us,这些电子不能均享,这并不重要,因为问题是计算,相同电子的分子共享能。Pauling that the electrons are not shared equally, and this was important because there were problems in computing the bond energies of heteronuclear molecules.

我们还剩下一个,异核双原子分子的例子没讲,这里组成分子的原子,是不同的。And where we had left off was we were going to start one example of thinking about now where we have a heteronuclear diatomic molecules, so two different atoms in terms of forming the molecule.