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非泛型类不受影响。Non-generic classes are unaffected.

对葡聚糖的胞饮作用无影响。Pinocytosis of dextran was unaffected.

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对葡聚糖的胞饮作用无影响。Pinocytosis of dextran was unaffected.

但是,解百纳葡萄不受雨季的影响。The Cabernet was unaffected by the rain.

可爱、和善、纯真的姑娘。Pleasant, good-humoured, unaffected girls.

塔现在不能随着升级石工术来增加胡甲了。All human towers are now unaffected by masonry.

若伤害没到该数字,则精魂不受该次攻击的影响。Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.

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他们不受时间在平息期望。They are unaffected by time, stilled in expectation.

而卖方进一步的权利主张则不受影响。Further-reaching claims of the Seller remain unaffected.

赫伦尼可夫深受打击,但是他的音乐丝毫未受影响。Mr Khrennikov was scarred, but his music was unaffected.

横杆一定要足够高才能免受火焰的影响。Cross bar must be high enough to be unaffected by the fire.

您的其它非.cn域名的邮件服务将不受影响。Email service for your non-. CN domain names will be unaffected.

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许多美国人对越战有一种出自内心的厌恶。Many americans viewed the war in Vietnam with unaffected revulsion.

而其他高大的树却能屹立不摇,不受暴风的影响。Other stately trees had remained standing, unaffected by the storm.

那座倚山建造的房子在风暴雪中屹立不动。The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.

这套家具看上去质朴无华,真诚自然。This set of furniture looks unaffected and plain, natural and true.

这就是你看到的-,’等于v1,v1,prime,is,v1。,你看,它并未受影响。That's what you see there-- v1 You see, it's practically unaffected.

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初始凋落物全C含量和半纤维素含量相似并无显著变化。Total C content and hemicelluloses were unaffected by UV-B exposure.

我很难了解你如何能不为这一前景所动。I find it hard to understand how you could be unaffected by this prospect.

DNA含量则不受土壤含水量高于萎蔫点的水分胁迫影响。DNA content was unaffected when soil water content was above wilting point.