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你上雅虎网吗?Do you Yahoo?

那就用雅虎问答吧。Use Yahoo Answers.

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他说“雅虎是杨致远的孩子。Yahoo was Jerry Yang’s baby.

那么雅虎的杀手锏是什么呢?So what does Yahoo have in store?

对雅虎来说很多事情都处在利害攸关的处境。For Yahoo there is a lot at stake.

奇摩电子信箱近期持续更新系统功能。Yahoo Email is updating it's system.

雅虎也有一个在昆西的数据中心。Yahoo also has a data center in Quincy.

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说实话,看着图我根本就木有想到雅虎!Honestly, Yahoo didn`t even cross my mind!

雅虎需要“一些该死的‘喘息空间’”Yahoo needs “some friggin’ breathing room.”

而雅虎曾是第二大搜索引擎。Yahoo is thesecond2nd biggest search engine.

这是最好的雅虎通可以给你。This is the best yahoo messenger can give you.

雅虎上可以观看高清版预告片。Watch the trailer in High Definition on Yahoo.

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来自于巴别塔的雅虎宝贝鱼翻译工具。From the Tower of Babel comes Yahoo Babel Fish.

当然,这对雅虎来说是纤弱的舞蹈。This is, of course, a delicate dance for Yahoo.

怎么用雅虎通和越南人聊天?Why uses Yahoo to exchange sum Vietnamese chat?

雅虎知识堂,白丁成圣贤。Yahoo knowledge together, Ding Bai into saints.

不过你可以通过POP3方式收取Hotmail和雅虎邮件。You can get to Hotmail and Yahoo Mail via POP3.

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他期望雅虎公司能够因该变动得到补偿。He expects Yahoo to be compensated for the move.

雅虎也在开发类似的结构化数据检索Yahoo Working on Similar Structured Data Retrieval

但我的观点是,银湖买得起雅虎。But my point is that Silver Lake could afford Yahoo.