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首先,我们探讨一些肢体上的征兆。First, we'll examine some nonverbal signs of lying.

这样我就能更好地了解那些非语言性的交流了。It would've helped me understand some nonverbal cues.

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如果你有严重的孤独症,你可能保持没有语言。If you have severe autism, you could remain nonverbal.

用你的肢体语言表明你正在聆听。Show you’re listening by your nonverbal communication.

非语言交际中存在着大量的非语言声音。Large numbers of non-verbal noise exist in nonverbal communication.

元信息传递是用来描述不用语言文字的过程。Metacommunication is a word used to describe the nonverbal process.

这是一部关于诸如钓鱼和游泳等简单事件的无言荒诞剧。Nonverbal grotesque about such simple thing as a fishing and swimming.

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我儿子对非语言暗示的理解能力不逊于我家任何比他年长的人。My son is as attuned to nonverbal cues as any older members of our family.

通过手势重复你的话会加强你的信息。Repeating what you say through nonverbal means can reinforce your message.

没有任何一个单独的无意识动作可以被用来作为说谎的标志。No single nonverbal action should ever be relied upon as an indicator of deception.

韵律可以轻拍成有力的非言语响应,就像音乐那样。The use of rhythm may tap into powerful nonverbal responses, much the way music does.

他们向所有的男人发出的都是积极的非语言信号,几乎没有任何消极的信号。They sent many positive nonverbal signals to all the men and hardly any negative signals.

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所有的这些非语言行为已经被证明对面试官的评级有积极的影响。All of these nonverbal behaviours have been shown to positively affect interviewer ratings.

非言语语和言语语一样有正式和非正式的文体之分。The difference of formal and informal style co-exists between nonverbal and verbal language.

第三章详细的阐述了副语言符号的定义、作用和分类。Chapter Three deals with the definition , functions and classification of nonverbal language.

体态语是人类交际中最常见的一种非语言交际手段。Body language is a means of nonverbal communication often found in the communication of humankind.

我发现心理学家研究非语言的行为时有着最妙不可言的术语。I've discovered that psychologists studying nonverbal behaviour have the most fantastic terminology.

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如果非言语语言暗示跟言语语言有不相符的地方,那么交流就会受阻。If the nonverbal cues and the spoken message are incongruous, the flow of communication is hindered.

因此,研究人员认为某些非语言声音是需要学习的,就像我们学习语言一样。So the researchers say certain nonverbal sounds may require experience to learn—just as in language.

语调及音色传达了百分之三十八,而非语言的暗示传递了极大的百分之五十五。Intonation and voice quality communicate 38 percent, and nonverbal cues transmit a whopping 55 percent.