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这一立交是1993年通车。This interchange was opened in 1993.

作为一种公共的交换格式。Serve as a common interchange format.

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这是地铁中转换乘站。This is the subway interchange station.

不要将几个平底挺杆互换。Do not interchange the flat-base tappets.

乘客可换乘地铁3号线或地铁9号线。Interchange Staion for Line 3 and Line 9.

乘客可以转乘往坑口或宝琳列车。Interchange station for Hang Hau or Po Lam.

事实上,它是一种基于文本的数据交换格式。Instead, it is a text-based data interchange format.

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下一站,新宫,乘客可换乘地铁四号线。Next station Xingong, interchange station for Line 4.

我认为这是种有趣的观点的交换。I think it's interesting sort of interchange of ideas.

请问有否尝试使用港铁转乘优惠计划?。Have you ever try the MTR interchange discounts program?

请参见项目交换文件以了解其实现。See the project interchange file for its implementation.

将贷款项目交换文件导入到工作空间。Import the loan project interchange file to the workspace.

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香港,乘客可以换乘港岛线或荃湾线。Interchange station for the Island Line or Tsuen Wan Line.

在平移的情况下你互换粒子。in the translational case where you interchange particles.

GAFA也经常性的组织各种大型学术交流活动。GAFA often hold large-scale academic interchange activities.

XMI技术是OMG组织提出的一种元数据交换的标准。And XMI is a metadata interchange standard put forward by OMG.

青年们将以此互赠!别让任何人将它归还!Interchange it youths with each other! Let none render it back!

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互通式立交设计的好坏,关键是方案选择的合理与否。The design lies in the reasonable selection of interchange plans.

供交流其方法与体会。The processing method and experience are offered for interchange.

下一站,洪山广场,乘客可以换成2号线。Next station, Hongshan Square, interchange station for the Line 2.