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好的传球必须迅速。Good passes must have quickness.

他像猫一样敏捷的爬上了树。With the quickness of a cat , he climbed up the tree.

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丹尼斯被这么一大把年纪的老头儿的敏捷动作给楞住了。Dantes was surprised at the quickness of so old a man.

智慧就是迅速看出事物本来面目的能力。Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.

她仍保持着神童的激情与敏捷。She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.

他提的那些尖锐、盘根究底的问题都表明他思想敏捷。His sharp, probing questions showed a quickness of mind.

贪快读得多,不如边学边想读得少。Better to read little with thought than much with levity and quickness.

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他的速度和组织能力使他理所当然的受人喜欢。His quickness and playmaking ability made him a fan favorite, to be sure.

库托拥有很多优秀的硬件,但速度不在这些硬件之列。Cotto has many impressive physical tools, but quickness isn't one of them.

双子座是十二宫地第三个星座,代表思维敏捷。Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, representing quickness of thought.

凭借着敏捷而并非身高,他在队中就已举足轻重。He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness.

我不必去担心会失去我的速度或任何爆发力。I won't have to worry about losing my quickness or any of my explosiveness.

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他知道如何利用他的身体,而我也尝试用我的优势所在——速度。He knows how to use his body and I tried to use my quickness to my advantage.

杰出游击手的迅速和灵活绝对令人叹为观止。The quickness and agility of a good shortstop can certainly be awe-inspiring.

产于非洲南部的树眼镜蛇,由于其咬人迅速敏捷而令人恐怖。Southern african mamba dreaded because of its quickness and readiness to bite.

大易访问的主隔间,你可以抓住或收起敏捷的书籍。Large easy access main compartment so you can grab or put away books with the quickness.

内野手需要提升敏捷度,加速能力,和快速增加守备范围。Infielders need to developagility, acceleration, and quickness to increase infield range.

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“面对太阳这样的球队,我们在速度上处于劣势,”火箭教练范甘迪说。"Against that team, we're at a quickness disadvantage, " Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said.

跳远助跑的快慢较大程度取决于速度利用率的大小。The slowness and quickness of the run-up in long-jump mainly depends on the utilization rate of speed.

湖人的速度将使他们在得球,篮板和抢断防守上产生功效。The Lakers' quickness will pay off in easy baskets, more rebounds and productive ball-hawking on defense.