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带子的皮革鞋面与色调对比和钉子头,详细。Strappy leather upper with tonal contrast and nail-head detailing.

搭配细带高跟鞋和Chanel棉质挎包,艾玛紧跟夏季流行趋势。Paired with strappy heels and a Chanel quilted bag Emma was on trend for summer in July 2009.

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双色鞋的设计简洁,细致的后绊带更添腿部线条韵味。The design of concise, double-color shoes after careful strappy more add flavor of leg ministry line.

对女性而言,大脚趾露出一点不要紧,只要是穿带鞋带的高跟拖鞋,但是男士就最好不要。For women, it is OK to show some of toe, as long as it's in a high-heeled strappy sandal. But for men, it.

她还记得过去在巴西一家精品点发现一双系带高跟女凉鞋时的兴奋。She still remembers the rush she got when she found a pair of strappy gold heel sandals at a boutique in Brazil.

接踵而至的就是“欲望都市”型,它的转轴上显示的三种图案为钻石、巧克力和系带凉鞋。Coming hot on its heels is the “Sex and the City” machine. Its reels depict diamonds, chocolates and strappy shoes.

登上系带凉鞋,套上别致的意式短裤及溜肩上衣一定能让你成为众人瞩目的焦点。Strappy sandals, chic Capri pants, and an off-the-shoulder blouse make your entrance into any social event one to take notice of.

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登上系带凉鞋,套上新鲜的意式短裤及溜肩上衣肯定能让你成为众人瞩主意焦点。Strappy sandals, chic Capri pants, and an off-the-shoulder blouse make your entrance into any social event one to take notice of.

裸色绸缎晚礼裙,艾玛用黑色系带高跟凉鞋和腰带作了搭配,裸色的嘴唇尤为画龙点睛!A vision in this satin nude dress, Emma accessorised with black strappy sandals and belt. We love her nude lips as a finishing touch!

当我们我们的脚滑匕首凉鞋带子把那些下台,他说,我们的体重是保护引发现场,我们有少。When we slip our feet into those strappy stiletto sandals and step down, he says our weight is thrown on the spot where we have less protection.

每天都没有足够的时间把每件事情做完,所以你的跑鞋,小说,盐浴用品,系带凉鞋都只能放在那落灰。There’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done, so your running shoes or novel or bath salts or strappy sandals just gather dust.

短靴与燕尾服或晚礼服搭配虽然看起来很酷很潮,但是这种笨重的靴子永远无法取代高跟鞋或凉鞋。不要因为一双鞋而破坏了你的形象。While ankle boots and cocktail dresses may be cool and trendy, clunky ankle boots will never replace refined pumps or strappy sandals for black-tie events.

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5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些东西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals, which she says, are sexy. "I like to look sexy, " the little girl explains.

这位超低音歌手头顶复古的泡泡糖粉色头发,用一件绝美的舞会裙、颈链和绑带凉高跟来配合她一贯的乖张造型。The "Superbass" singer – rocking a retro, bubble-gum pink do – trades her typically wacky ensembles for a stunning Oscar de la Renta ball gown, choker and strappy sandals.

进入之前,我们慢吞吞地来到室外竞技场,看到身着古罗马服饰的演员在表演,裙带皮靴、服盔甲闪耀着古罗马帝国昔日的辉煌。Before entering the site, we are shuffled into an outdoor arena and treated to a show wherein actors in Roman skirts, strappy leather boots and body armor depict the glory days of the Roman Empire.

进入之前,我们慢吞吞地来到室外竞技场,看到身着古罗马服饰的演员在表演,裙带皮靴、服盔甲闪耀着古罗马帝国昔日的辉煌。Before entering the site, we are shuffled into an outdoor arena and treated to a show wherein actors in Roman skirts, strappy leather boots and body armor depict the glory days pf the Roman Empire.