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马德雷德迪奥斯河上下游正在开采金矿的工人。Up and down the Madre de Dios River, people mine for gold.

古兹曼据信藏身于马德雷山中。Guzmán is believed to be hiding in the Sierra Madre mountains.

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马德里德雷奥斯声称要成为世界生物多样性之都。Madre de Dios claims to be the biodiversity capital of the world.

不断上涨的黄金价格使得马德雷德迪奥斯的金矿开采业变得有利可图。Rising gold prices have made mining the metal lucrative for Madre de Dios.

有顶饰的长腿兀鹰调查一个山谷在马德雷德迪奥斯岛智利巴塔哥尼亚。A crested caracara surveys a valley on Madre de Dios Island in Chilean Patagonia.

气候的图片集。一道彩虹照亮塞拉利昂母亲山以西的上方在墨西哥。A rainbow brightens the sky above the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains in Mexico.

我在哪里可以看的宝物的马德雷1948年电影在线免费全速?Where can I watch The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948 movie online free full stream?

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埃里克•平托•门多萨驾驶着小船顺马德雷德迪奥斯河而下,在马尔多纳多港享用着啤酒。Eric Pinto Mandoza, who drives a canoe down the Madre de Dios River, enjoys a beer in Puerto Maldonado.

秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的首府马尔多纳多港,它是拉美国家经济变革的主要力量。Puerto Maldonado, capital of Peru's Madre de Dios region, is a critical part of Latin America's economic revolution.

他再次被提名和1948年获得的宝物的马德雷在塞拉利昂,为此他还获得了最佳导演奖。He was nominated again and won in 1948 for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre , for which he also received the Best Director award.

这个位于秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的壮美的热带雨林拥有南美洲几种最新出现的红木品种。This magnificent rain forest in Peru's Madre de Dios region holds some of the last old-growth stands of mahogany in South America.

人们看阿加莎根据热带风暴造成帕图卢尔,危地马拉,星期六,2010年5月29日连场大雨,河水暴涨旧马德雷。People watch the swollen Madre Vieja river under heavy rains caused by Tropical Storm Agatha in Patulul, Guatemala, Saturday, May 29, 2010.

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仪式结束之后,出席的嘉宾前往Madre大教堂参加纪念活动,球队现有的一些成员同样参与其中。After the ceremony, those present went to the Gran Madre church to take part in a memorial service which also saw the particpation of part of the current team.

因为人们对环境的破坏导致此类蜥蜴的数量在逐渐减少,以至于他们的繁殖都有危险。The Northern Sierra Madre Forest Monitor Lizard could be in danger of having its population drop due to habitat destruction, as well as hunting and trapping for the pet trade.

秘鲁是世界第六大黄金生产国,它每年黄金生产总量182吨中的16到20吨,都来自于马德雷德迪奥斯河沿岸非法或者看似合法的开采。Peru is the world's sixth-largest gold producer and 16-20 of the 182 tons of gold it produces annually comes from illegal or quasi-legal mining along the banks of the Madre de Dios.

正当南加州的西拉玛德瑞市受野火侵袭,慈济志工和红十字会合作,帮忙肤慰难民。As a wildfire rages across southern California's Sierra Madre Mountains, Tzu Chi volunteers have been called upon by the Red Cross to help provide disaster relief for the inevitable refugees.

这是收集的一个厨房用具,把一些盘叠放在上面可以控水,排列整齐,它也可以…The Aurea collection of flat pack kitchenware from Amor de Madre features dish draining racks in two sizes that be stowed away tidily when not needed. There is also a similar wine rack available.