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清汤还是浓汤呢?Consomme or potage ?

我们这里有清汤和浓汤。We have both consomme and cream soups.

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您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤?Do you prefer a consommé or a cream soap?

您喜欢清汤还是奶油汤?Do you prefer a consommé or a cream soup?

鸡粒青豆汤或奶油蘑菇汤。Consomme a la Reint or cream of mushrooms.

今天的清汤和奶油鸡汤很好。I recommend consomme and cream of chicken.

您要什么汤呢?我们这里有清汤和浓汤。What about the soup? We have both consomme and cream soups.

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我需要一份甜酒蘑菇清汤、烧烤羊排的味道怎么样?OK, I need one Mushroom Port Consomme . How is the lamb chop?

给我们两份定菜。我知道你们有清炖肉汤和奶油鸡。The two table d'hôte for us. I see you have consommé and cream of chicken. Which is better?

服务员,你好。菜单上有法式肉汤和法式清汤吗?我找不着。A – Excuse me waiter, do you have bouillon or consommé on the menu? I can't seem to find any.

一般制作高品质的清炖肉汤需要先进的烹饪知识和过往经验。It usually requires an advanced knowledge of cooking andpast experience to create a high quality consommé.

鸡鸭一同煨炖超过12小时的汤底,其浓郁的芳香与色泽将留下完美回忆。A chicken and duck based consomme was simmered for more than 12 hours to create a perfect colour so fragrant that it is sure to impress.