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他是个精明的政客。He is a shrewd politician.

他是一位??爽直的政客。He is an outspoken politician.

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他是今年的那位政治家。He is the politician of the year.

首先必须说,他是一个政治家。To start with, he is a politician.

埃亨是一个资深的政界人士。Bertie Ahern is a veteran politician.

这位政客单调低沉地讲演。The politician droned out his speech.

那个政客已经过气了。That politician is already a has-been.

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他对这位政界人士有些影响。He has some leverage over the politician.

带着年轻政客所特有的殷勤。With the gallantry of a young politician.

他是个欺世盗名的政客。He is an undeservingly honored politician.

与其说他是个学者,不如说他是个政客。He is more of a politician than a scholar.

格拉德斯通是位极具才干的政治家。Gladstone was a politician of great ability.

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那位政治家曾是著名的社会改革家。The politician was a famous social reformer.

这名政客名誉扫地。The politician became bankrupt in reputation.

坏的政客无事找事,与民为敌。Bad politician creates problems of the people.

甘乃迪是难得一见有魅力的政治家。Kennedy was a rare and charismatic politician.

哇,如果是政治家说的,那就一定是真的!Wow, if a politician says it, it must be true!

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一位重要政治家则谴责“外来文化”。A leading politician condemned “alien cultures.

不过,他也是一位锋芒毕露的办公室政治家。But he was also a hard-edged office politician.

该报社论诬蔑这名政治家。The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.