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宇宙过于杂乱无章,时间无法逆转?Universe Too Jumbled for Time to Reverse?

我手提箱里的一切都混在一起了。Everything in my suitcase was jumbled together.

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肤质较厚,毛孔粗大,冗杂长粉刺和面疱。Thick skin, large pores, acne and acne jumbled.

由于油,毛孔很粗大,还很冗杂长痘痘。The oil, the pore is very thick, very jumbled acne.

他为了找到他的钥匙把整个抽屉都翻乱了。He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key.

那男孩受了很杂而不连续的教育。The boy received a very jumbled and discontinuous schooling.

赛后,当媒体包围著他老穆谈到随机变数。After the game, Mussina jumbled numbers as media engulfed him.

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你把你的精细状况通知我,男生还是冗杂好治一些。You informed me of your fine state, boys or some of jumbled good governance.

如果你没有全面的明确的频率,讲话可以健全乱蓬蓬的。If you don't have the full range of clear frequencies, speech can sound jumbled.

肤色效果一概底妆,冗杂的可以只用粉底系列处置。Color effect Yigai looking finish, jumbled series can be disposed of only foundation.

我小妹妹的玩具、书籍、鞋子和衣服都乱堆在柜里。My sister's toys, books, shoes and clothes were all jumbled together in the cupboard.

一个姐姐从乱七八糟堆着东西的车厢里拉出一盏破旧的提灯,另一个姐姐拉出一把烂扫帚。One sister drew from the jumbled wagon bed a battered lantern, the other a worn broom.

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近日发生的事件与她回忆起的童年早期的事件,在她脑中混在一起。Recent happenings were jumbled up in her nard with events recalled from early childhood.

这冗杂破坏皮脂膜而降低皮肤抵御力,引发皮肤过敏。This jumbled film and reduce damage to skin sebum resilience and trigger skin allergies.

接着他们打乱每段歌唱的音节,重新为受试验的小鸟播放这些新版本。Then they jumbled up syllables within each song and replayed these versions to the birds.

她们的所有的故事都乱七八糟的混在了一起,她们的脸和她们的名字也不能对上号。All their stories have jumbled together, and their faces no longer attach themselves to names.

三个如你我一般的小人物,误打误撞开始了一段疯狂混乱的游戏。The three little guys, just like you and me, start to play a crazy and jumbled game by mistake.

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FRAIS胶原蛋白是800道尔顿以下的,小分子胶原蛋白,很冗杂被人体接收。FRAIS collagen is below 800 Dalton, small molecules collagen, was jumbled by the body to receive.

时间和事件奔涌而来,又混杂在一起,像个没有什么真实和理性可言的恶梦。Time and events were telescoped , jumbled together like a nightmare that had no reality or reason.

如果网站上的文字都是些乱七八糟的关键字,是难以吸引访客的。You won't keep your visitors' attention if the text on your site is just a jumbled bunch of keywords.