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什么,生吞一只老鼠?What. eat a tat alive?

东莞英达吸塑制品有限公司!Dongguan Ying Tat Blister Products Co. , Ltd.

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您应该提供符合成本效益达内的工作。You should provide cost effective work within TAT.

直升机正在转移康达迈恩镇的全部100名居民。Tat mayn helicopter is moving the entire town of 100 residents.

福林为自己偷窃辩解的理由是他的家人正在挨饿。Follin's justification for stealing is tat his family be starve.

哈玛斯与法塔之间上演着一场巴勒斯坦风格的互相残杀的游戏。It is a game of Tit for Tat between Hamas and Fatah, Palestinian style.

比尔上个星期下象棋赢了我,结果今晚我胜了他――因此我们以牙还牙。Bill beat me at chess last week and I beat him tonight-so I am tit for tat.

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出席会议的有经理,设计师和词作者。Present tat the meeting were the manager, all the designers and the writer.

富达花园监控系统、公共电视天线系统及停车场进出管理系统。Fu Tat Garden CCTV system, public TV aerial system & carpark access control system.

你微笑关,没对我说一句话,而我感觉到为了这佧,我已经等了很久…You smiled and talked to me of noting and i felt tat for tis i ad been waiting long.

而这一行为很可能会引发一系列针锋相对的互相驱逐行为。And this behavior is likely to trigger a series of tit for tat expulsions with each other.

马偏言该是一报还一报的时分了,问红果她和特殊开展到了什么境地。This is a horse partial words for tat time, ask red fruits and special to what in her position.

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他上次没请我去KTV,而我这一次也不打算邀请他。针锋相对嘛!I decided not to invite him to KTV because she didn't invite me to his last time. It was just tit for tat.

在什么也不知道的情况下,不要乱发评论。它们比马鲁蒂汽车和塔塔汽车好很多。Just do not make wild comments without knowing anything. They are much better than Maruthi and tat a cars.

看了信,他得知他法国家中的一个仆人无辜被关进了监狱。On reading it, he found tat a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own.

因为生牛肉含有有害细菌,它至少得烹煮超过七十一度才能安全食用。As raw beef contains harmful bacteria , it needs to be cooked tat least seventy-one degrees before it is safe to eat.

格雷斯痴迷地迷恋着那个红头发男孩已有两年多了,是她找一个更合适的男孩的时候了。Grace has been infatuated with tat red-haired boy for over two years. It's time she found someone else more suitable.

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机器人标志?不像。霸天虎?好像不对。等等!把霸天虎和特种部队混一起了啊混蛋!Autobot tat? Too obvious. Decepticon? Still not quite right. Wait! Decepticon and GI Joe's Cobra rolled into one! Bad. Ass.

“我们非常害怕会出现针锋相对的情况,”他补充道,尽管承认说,反中国的言论是“好的政治手段”。“We're very leery of a tit for tat situation,” he added, while acknowledging that the anti-China rhetoric is “good politics.

除了感情冲突外,电影中的搞笑责任交给刘以达,孙耀威与他做对手戏时,也忍不住笑呢!Besides emotional conflicts, Yau Yi Tat is responsible to act funny in the movie. When Eric acted with him, he could not help laughing.