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越南与中国毗邻。Viet Nam is contiguous to China.

这些卡宾枪再被提供给南边的越共游击队。These carbines were in turn given to the Viet Cong.

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来自越南的帅哥美女也不甘人后啊!The boy and the girl from Viet Nam also worked hard!

菲律宾和越南是它们当中唯一的负担沉重国家。The Philippines and Viet Nam were the only HBCs among them.

我们听到的却是美国将这一切都归咎于越共。and we listened while America blamed it all on the Viet Cong.

另一个故事则是一队美军遭遇越南游击队埋伏,结果61个美国军人在枪战中丧生。Meanwhile, in Vietnam, a U.S. platoon walk into a Viet Cong ambush.

在越南迄今确诊的119例病例中,有59例死亡病例。Of the 119 cases confirmed to date in Viet Nam, 59 have been fatal.

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她说,‘周围都是越共,我不能有个名叫威廉的儿子。’She said, ‘I can't have a son named William with the Viet Cong around.'

原因之一是因为越共使用游击战术。One reason for this is because the Viet Cong were using guerrilla tactics.

到目前为止,越南全国有20个省市受到疫情影响。Until now, 20 provinces and municipalities of Viet Nam have been affected.

中国出口俄罗斯的罗非鱼超过了越南出口的鲶鱼。Russian traders thus replaced pangasius from Viet Nam with Chinese tilapia.

围产期抑郁症和焦虑症在越南北部地区的妇女中十分普遍。Perinatal depression and anxiety are prevalent in women in northern Viet Nam.

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这些增加病例使越南自12月中以来的总数达到10例。These additional cases bring the total in Viet Nam since mid-December to ten.

这一突变以前在2005年越南的一个病例中曾得到鉴别。This mutation has previously been identified in Viet Nam in one case in 2005.

在越南,道路交通伤害是造成死亡和残疾的一大主要原因。Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in Viet Nam.

智利、日本、澳大利亚、越南和欧共体保留他们的第三方权力。Chile, Japan, Australia, Viet Nam and the EC reserved their third party rights.

这最新的两个病例使越南自2004年12月中以来的病例总数达到8例。These latest two cases bring the total in Viet Nam since mid-December 2004 to eight.

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这些最近确认的病例使越南自12月中以来的病例总数达到28。These recently confirmed cases bring the total in Viet Nam since mid-December to 28.

仅2009年一年,越南就接待了四百多批卫生项目捐助者考察团。In 2009 alone, Viet Nam dealt with more than 400 donor missions to review health projects.

研究表明,这座长城可能是平原上的越南人和山地里Hrê部落人双方合作建造的。Research suggests it may have been built in cooperation between both the Viet and the Hrê.