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你喜欢开玩笑吗?Are you a joker?

让这么一个窝囊废赢了真丢丑。A shame to let a joker like this win.

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哦,马克哈米尔声音小丑。Oh, and Mark Hamill voices the Joker.

好了!是谁把大头针弄我椅子上的?Okey –who's the joker who put the tack on my chair?

这是第一次他们所有人平生仅见的小王。It was the first time any of them had ever seen a joker.

使用弄脏眼妆看起来像希斯莱杰的小丑。Use smudged eye makeup to look like Heath Ledger's Joker.

大部份的配音是世界级的表现,我可以听一整天小丑和惊奇先生的对话。I could listen to the Joker and Riddler talk all day long.

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说笑话的人因他的**被一阵烟梗住了。The joker was choked by a stroke of smoke for his undue provoking.

因此,小丑不停地嘲弄和大笑,而蝙蝠侠只能落败奔走。So the Joker taunts and giggles, and Batman can only extend his wings.

小丑扭着自己的脖子,知道自己带着歇斯底里的笑声死去。So the Joker twists his neck further, until he dies, laughing hysterically.

在这个自由申请笑服装的小丑妆视频线,一个化妆师。Apply laugh lines for the Joker with a makeup artist in this free costume makeup video.

你太棒了。我们去找这个伟大的科学家,这样他可以帮我们找到这个笑面人。Robin, you are brilliant. Let's find this great scientist so he can find the Joker for us.

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凯恩得出这样的结论是基于一场小丑拜访布鲁斯·韦恩的屋顶公寓的戏。Caine bases this belief on a scene where the Joker pays a visit to Bruce Wayne's penthouse.

如意笔专用百搭锁针器,适用于各类针型针款。Best pen special joker lock needle changer, applicable to all kinds of needle type of needle.

服装的搭配上运用相同款式的服装搭配不同的鞋子,体现鞋子的百搭性。Using the same dress collocation of tie-in and different styles of dress shoes, shoe joker sex.

“我不想杀了你,”希斯。莱吉尔扮演的精神变态者“小丑”对克利斯汀。贝尔扮演的坚毅的蝙蝠侠说。"I don't want to kill you, " Heath Ledger's psycho Joker tells Christian Bale's stalwart Batman.

当小丑一刀捅中他,蝙蝠侠侠定了决心——他要扭断小丑的脖子,但不杀他。As the Joker stabs him, Batman makes the decision – he breaks the Joker's neck, but doesn't kill him.

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上面的浮动中包含一些比更多相关高中一年级些的浮动。The above batch of floats contains a couple of "joker" floats that are slightly taller than the others.

你说的对。要拯救这座城市的居民,阻止这个笑面人是你的关键。你有什么主意?Robin, you are right. Stopping the Joker is critical to saving the city's residents. Do you have any ideas?

有些人效仿电影“蝙蝠侠”表演奥巴马斜挂着可笑的“社会主义”布条。Others carried posters portraying Mr Obama as the Joker from the Batman films bearing the slogan “Socialism”.