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一种看上去更运动和青春的样子?A Sporty & Youthful look?

她也是一位具有活力的运动型女孩。She is also a dynamic and sporty girls.

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我不需要一辆全新的运动性迷你车。I don’t need a brand-new sporty little car.

领运动背心有涂鸦设计印花。V-neck sporty vest with a graffiti graphic print.

GT式——近似于3级基本式,只不过处理成了GT式运动条纹模样。Similar to Basic 3X but with a sporty GT stripe look.

相比那些优雅的套装,他喜欢朴素、运动的装束。He favours casual, sporty clothes over elegant formalwear.

运动汽车座椅两个娃娃,有一个翻转下跌挡板。The sporty car seats two dolls and has a flip down tailgate.

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这位是运动型的,头巾时尚又实用!For this sporty girl, coif is fashionable and practical as well.

可选装的运动套件加强了新款M级越野车的运动特性。The optional sports package underlines the M-Class′s sporty genes.

在朋友们眼中,薄是一个热心、外向且热爱运动的人。Friends described Bo as a warm-hearted, outgoing and sporty person.

打开车门,让此款花俏的绿色道路机器冲向道路中。Hit the road in this sporty green street machine with opening doors.

看到我75岁的叔叔开着一辆十分扎眼的车令我感到惊讶…I was surprised to see my 75 year-old uncle drive up in a sporty car.

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在家,或者在度假,多数美国人穿不拘形式或运动的衣裳。At home , or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes.

任何“街头化”的东西——休闲而时髦的古怪服饰——都大行其道。Anything “street” – funky clothes that are casual and sporty – works well.

这款充满活力的配饰,可为衬衫或西装注入清新自然的蓝色魅力。These sporty accessories add a refreshing splash of blue to a shirt or suit.

我曾经很爱运动,所以我讨厌自己苍白的面容和不健康的身体。I used to be so sporty so I hated my own pale, unhealthy reflection and body.

这款时尚迷人,散发青春与校园气息的钥匙扣,集现代魅力与动感活力于一身。Young and preppy, this stylish key ring is synonymous with modern, sporty style.

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五只名为“乐羊羊”的运动小羊是本次亚运会的官方吉祥物。Five sporty rams, titled 'Le Yangyang' serve as the official mascots of the Games.

对于一些买车的人来说,牺牲车内空间,换来跑车的车型,他们是可以接受的。For some car buyers, lack of space is an acceptable trade-off for a sporty design.

凸轮是不一样,就如你所预期的那样,VTR的更运动化。The cams are different, the VTR's ones being more " sporty ", as you would expect.