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我刚跟尖叫了吗?Did I just scream?

他们为神名而尖叫。They scream His name.

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他们向卡胡姆大喊。they scream at Kadhum.

天羽儿惊叫。Day feather son scream.

希尔达发出一声尖叫。Hilda let out a scream.

他不禁尖叫一声。A scream escaped his lips.

那曲新戏剧极为滑稽可笑。The new play was a scream.

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然后孩子开始尖声喊叫。Then he started to scream.

一声惊叫声打破了寂静。A scream broke the silence.

我们被一声尖叫召回来了。We were recalled by a scream.

你为什么发出那种尖叫声?Why did you emit that scream?

丹尼斯•林登想要惊声尖叫。Dennis Linden wanted to scream.

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她的尖叫使我大吃一惊。Her scream brought me up short.

我既没尖叫,也没和人拥抱。I did not scream or hug anyone.

你的妹妹开始惊呼。And your sister starts to scream.

我得用被子盖着头好好喊几声。I have to go scream into a quilt.

忽然她听到玛迪的尖叫声。Suddenly she heard Maddie scream.

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你是幸灾乐祸、狂笑还是去死呢?Will you gloat and scream and die?

我还记得那声惨叫和淋漓的鲜血。I remembered the scream and the blood.

在太空,没人会听到你的尖叫。In space, no-one can hear your scream.