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它们在演奏一条对位的旋律线They are playing a contrapuntal line.

那条对位旋律线是巴松管演奏的It's a bassoon playing the contrapuntal line.

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分离式曝光盒设计,对位精准。Separate exposure box design, contrapuntal accurate.

规格自由的作品,通常是分为几个部分的对位音乐。A work free from, usually contrapuntal and in several sections.

有对位点可供发挥,也有发展的空间。We've got contrapuntal lines operating in it.It has the capacity for expansion.

赋格是一种用对位法写作的作品体裁,有特定数量的声部。句中的。Fugue is a type of contrapuntal compositions for particular number of parts or voices.

每一样乐器都在他自己的位置,这么多种乐器各据其位。Each instrument in counterpoint, and as many contrapuntal parts as there are instruments.

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巴赫创作了数量惊人的作品,这标志着复调,即对位风格达到了顶峰造极的地步。Actually Bach's incredible output marks the summit of the polyphonic, or contrapuntal , style.

他事实上是个每种对位手段的可能性和每种和声与赞美诗创作部署可行性方法的“目录”。He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale.

这首作品以一段加长尾声作结,在葬礼进行曲般沉稳的持续低音衬托下,歌声中半音对位的唱和更为突出。The work is concluded by an extended coda in which chromatic contrapuntal interplay among the voices are supported by a steady funeral-march drone.

非洲音乐持续受到各界关注,包括鼓、摇铃与对位声乐的使用等,其音乐影响力随著被迫迁徙而广布。African music continued to be heard, including the use of drums, rattles and contrapuntal vocals, with the musical influences swinging wide on the hinge of forced relocation.

站在合对位置,双脚靠拢,身体重心在左脚,右手被男伴的左手握着。The station is shutting contrapuntal place, double foot draws close, body centre of gravity is in left foot, the right hand is being grasped by the left hand of male partner.

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再者,作为批评视角的对位理论对实现不同文化间平等对话和观照批评理论本身也有同等重要的意义。Contrapuntal criticism as a critical perspective, is of equal importance to promoting a dialogue based on equality between different cultures and exploring criticism theory itself.

萨义德指出,英国小说经典形成与帝国扩张有着同时、共谋性的关系,并提出“对位阅读法”是阐释英国文学经典卓有成效的方法。Suggesting that canonization of English novels coincided and complied with the expansion of British Empire, Said proposes contrapuntal reading as an efficient way to interpret British canons.

他是巴赫同时代的人,享德尔的作品辉煌灿烂,较好地融合了意大利独奏音乐和器乐、英国的合唱音乐和德国的对位手法等传统。He was a contemporary of Bach. Handel's writing was a brilliant combination of the Italian traditions of solo and instrumental style, the English choral tradition, and German contrapuntal style.

仅从技术层面来讲,他是西方音乐史上继往开来的复调大师,同时也以他的创作实践预示了和声时代的到来,他是音乐历史流变与整合的汇聚点。From the aspect of crafts, carrying on the past and opening a way for future, he is the contrapuntal master. And what is more, he forebodes the arrival of harmony age by means of his composition.

我们听完第三次主题呈现,由对位理念主导的,弦乐组,旋律,低音部,以及中间的东西,然后他会引入铜管乐器,作为最后的陈述So, we'll listen to the end of the third presentation of this with the contrapuntal idea dominated by strings, melody, bass, other stuff in the middle and then he will bring in the brass for the final statement of this.