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购买长期国库券还是短期国库券呢Either in treasury bonds or treasury bills.

财政部强烈反对这种方法。The Treasury strongly opposes this approach.

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国库已经空了,预算赤字已经高如楼塔。The treasury is empty and budget deficits tower.

政府成员前排席或国务大臣前排席。The government front bench or the treasury bench.

财政部一发言人周二对此不予置评.A Treasury spokesperson on Tuesday had no comment.

尊敬的财政部经济事务大臣伊恩•皮尔逊先生Mr Ian Pearson, Economic Secretary to the Treasury

美国财政部无法借到比30年国债更便宜的钱。S. Treasury can't borrow 30-year money much lower.

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他们指控他侵吞公款。They accused him of plundering the public treasury.

美国国债也能带来几乎没有风险的回报。Treasury bonds also offer almost risk-free returns.

特里谢补充说,他"对此没有特别的评论".佐利克在贝克时担任财长时是财政部的一名高级官员.Zoellick was a senior Treasury official under Baker.

首先,美国财政部应该停止搪塞和糊弄。Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating.

湘楚文化是湖南人民精神财富的宝库。Xiang Chu Culture"is the spiritual treasury of Hunan."

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我基本上是看好这个计划的。I was generally positive about their Treasury proposal.

小老鼠点点头,让小女巫进了库房。Little Mouse nodded, so little witch into the Treasury.

短期美国国债收益率周一仍维持在低水平。Short-term Treasury rates continued to stay low Monday.

财政部已为花旗银行准备了第三套救援方案。The Treasury readied a third rescue plan for Citigroup.

这些是最近拍卖的,中期债券These are the recent auctions of the Treasury of notes.

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当中国购买美国国债的时候,到底是谁在依赖谁?When China buys US Treasury bills, who depends on whom?

我们的财务科将采取照顾的融资问题。Our treasury section will take care of financing issues.

美国财政部无法借到比30年国债更便宜的钱。The U.S. Treasury can't borrow 30-year money much lower.