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墨菲于2007年与英国编剧西蒙·曼杰克结婚。Murphy married British screenwriter Simon Monjack in 2007.

由作者马克。鲍顿和电影剧本改编肯。诺兰的评论。Commentary by author Mark Bowden and screenwriter Ken Nolan.

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大卫是个胸怀大志的编剧,也是我最信赖的朋友。David was an aspiring screenwriter and my most reliable friend.

此案是关于一位编剧抄袭另一个作家的小说。The case was about a screenwriter plagiarizing another writer's novel.

一个好莱坞的剧作家来过这里,然后又带着她的孩子来了一次。One Hollywood screenwriter visited by herself and then returned with her son.

电影编剧威廉·高德曼说“世人一无所知”。“NOBODY knows anything,” said the screenwriter William Goldman of the film business.

最开始,制片人会选择一个剧本,雇编剧写剧本,然后找导演,商讨影片的预算。Firstly, a producer will option a script and hire a screenwriter to write the script.

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他还可能带来沙穆斯作为电影的编剧,他对任何可能使其他地区。He also could bring Schamus along as screenwriter on any films he might make elsewhere.

编剧最初的作品通常被称为初稿。The initial work of the screenwriter is usually referred to, simply, as the first draft.

知道要在推销会上说什么、怎么说,是每个剧作者都应该学习的一项很有价值的技巧。Knowing what to say and how to say it are valuable skills every screenwriter should learn.

李小龙是一位演员、哲人、导演、制片人、编剧及功夫大师。Bruce Lee was an actor, philosopher, film director, producer, screenwriter and martial artist.

还有,电影的第二级导演和第一剧本作者都在拍摄途中过世。Also, the movie’s second unit director and its first screenwriter both died during the process.

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但是编剧赫曼·雅各布·曼凯维支坚持称这个词是他小时候的一辆自行车的名字。But screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz insisted that he took the name from a bicycle he owned as a child.

然后我记得当时的编剧吹嘘说,只用了53小时,他写这整个影片。Then I remember that the screenwriter bragged that it only took him 53 hours to write this entire movie.

除此之外,编剧达斯汀兰科布莱克还采访了他健在的朋友,就一些大事向他们求证。In addition, screenwriter Dustin Lance Black interviewed surviving friends and examined their memorabilia.

邦尼·奥尔是一位剧作家兼制作人,他建议剧作者们至少为同一个工作室准备三个创意,每个创意都应该是该工作室所擅长的类型。According to Bonnie Orr, screenwriter and producer, bring three ideas to pitch in the genre of that studio.

苏联既已瓦解,冷战成为过去,如今的编剧们又该怎样写呢?What's a screenwriter to do now that the Soviet Union's gone and the Cold War is a microwaved warmish mush?

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大卫是一个雄心勃勃的剧本作家,也是我最信赖的朋友,但我并没有告诉他我即将与电影界的人会面的事情。David was an aspiring screenwriter and my most reliable friend. I didn’t tell him about my upcoming movie meeting.

这些问题为剧作家弗朗索瓦.法弗提供了拍摄第一部长片的基本元素。These are some of the questions that provide the basis of screenwriter François Favrat's first feature film as a director.

为什么茱莉黛尔碧,这位美籍法国演员,剧作家,音乐剧艺术家会转行做电影制片人了呢?When does a French American actress, screenwriter and musical artist turn into a film maker?When she's Julie Delpy of course!