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当然,迈拉很忙。Of course Myra was busy.

米拉奥尔梅达是这里的老师。Myra Olmeda is the teacher.

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匆忙中,玛拉的包掉下地。In a hurry, Myra drops her bag.

也许——也许迈拉会来的吧。Perhaps--perhaps Myra might come.

也许——也许迈拉会来白勺吧。Perhaps – perhaps Myra might come.

她和迈拉一起沿着海边跑步。She runs along the beach with Myra.

罗依和玛拉停止跳舞。他们接吻。Roy and myra stop dancing . they kiss.

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即使迈拉不来,她也会寄件礼物来的。Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present.

迈拉走下床来,开亮了梳妆台上的灯。Myra got out of bed and lighted the lamp on her dressing table.

迈拉从头上把披肩拿下来,披回到肩膀上。Myra had let her shawl drop from her head and back upon her shoulders.

罗依和玛拉从拥吻中分开,他们相视而笑,然后继续跳舞。Roy and Myra seperate from kiss, they smile at one another, then resume dancing.

老太太非常确定,即使迈拉来不了,也一定会给她寄来一个礼物。Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that.

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虽然迈拉平常很少给她来信,但她不会忘记母亲的生日。Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she seldom wrote at other time.

圣诞老人的形象灵感最早来源于利西亚迈拉的圣尼古拉斯。Saint Nicholas of Myra is the primary inspiration for the Christian figure of Santa Claus.

她丈夫当上了市长,迈拉自己也由于悉心为老年人工作而获得一枚奖章。Her husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged.

玛拉伫足桥头,追忆起过去的好时光,神情默然地看着来往的车辆。Myra stands there, thinking of the "good old days", looking indifferently at the passing cars.

迈拉和法尔巴都是了不起的女人,从来都是笑对人生,从来也不会丢下家人和朋友不顾。Myra and Falba are great women who laugh through their tears and never quit on family and friends.

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公司企业会聘请她和她的团队帮助他们建立,恢复或加强客户关系。Companies hire Myra and her team to help them build, recover, and strengthen customer relationships.

罗依看见服务员端着食物上来。他在说话,和玛拉从桌旁站起来,开始跳舞。Roy looks at waiter as he enters with food. He speaks and he and Myra rise from table. They begin dancing.

故事是这样的,Nicholas有一天听说,有三个非常漂亮的姐妹,她们都住在Myra城边上的一座小破屋里面。The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra.