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平滑塔夫绸衬里。Smooth taffeta lining.

涤纶塔夫绸衬里。Polyester taffeta lining.

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塔夫绸及国内外订购产品。Taffeta and ordering products at home and abroad.

在这里,魔鬼穿着塔夫绸和脚本更比泡沫时代的尖端。Here, the devil wears taffeta and the script is more frothy than cutting edge.

白藤沙发上配有金色塔夫绸和紫色天鹅绒制成的沙发垫,显得豪华而精致。A white cane sofa is sumptuously upholstered in gold taffeta and purple velvet.

切切私语着塔夫绸的衬里还有关于老鼠的小披肩。They whispered to one another about the taffeta lining and about little mouse tippets.

耐磨塔夫绸板盖的肩膀上,在这个连帽衫的耐用性协助。Abrasion-resistant taffeta panels cover the shoulders, aiding in this hoodie's durability.

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网状的头纱配上塔夫绸,简直就是超级具有空气感。A study in contrasts, net veiling over taffeta creates a full skirt that is remarkably light and airy.

这些带有袖子的结婚礼服通常都是选用一些奢华的布料例如丝绒、丝绸、塔夫绸。These Wedding Dresses with Sleeves are usually made of luxury materials like velvet, silk, and taffeta.

他立即写了一封信,要求他的弟弟艾蒂安来大量供应塔夫绸和绳子。He immediately wrote a letter asking his brother Etienne to come with a large supply of taffeta and rope.

我司长期提供各种染色真丝电力纺和仿真丝电力纺。品质保证,价格合理。欢迎垂询。We can offer silk taffeta and manmade silk taffeta with high quality and favourable price, welcome to inquire.

纺织,诸如牛津衬衫布和方块纺织都比塔夫塔纺织中纱线容易移动。However, modified plain weaves, such as the oxford and basket, can provide greater yarn mobility than do taffeta weaves.

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高等级筋花边裙充分婚纱与礼服,低胸黑色放在了花边。白象牙颜色可供。High class lace beading full skirt bridal gown with pleating taffeta on the top of the lace. White and ivory color available.

帐篷的主体为70丹尼尔,190T条纶绉丝,60丹尼尔的条纶底部由重型的,表面涂粉的钢架支撑。The tent body is 70-denier, 190T nylon taffeta with a 600-denier polyester floor supported by a heavy-duty, powder-coated steel frame.

变装的男人们穿着绫罗绸缎或丝绸长袍,他们的妻子们戴着假胡须和男人小礼服。Typically the men are dazzling in their full-length gowns of taffeta or silk, while their wives sport fake mustaches and Armani tuxedos.

这件粉色公主裙出现在奥斯卡红地毯上显得十分别出心裁。即使有人批评这件长裙的上身看上去很别扭,不合体。This pink taffeta princess dress was very atypical for red carpet attire at the time, and some critics complained that the top looked ill-fitting.

同样款式的服装他用柔软而具有流动感的薄绸制作与使用硬挺的塔夫绸制作,看上去会有较大的区别。A dress made in a soft flowing fabric such as silk chiffon will look very different from the same dress style constructed in a stiff taffeta fabric.

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第二个区分方面是面料,时尚的伴娘服通常使用高档面料,例如天鹅绒、丝绸、塔夫绸等等。The second differentiating feature is the fabric. These Fashion Bridesmaid Dresses are usually made of luxury materials like velvet, silk, and taffeta.

涤塔夫、轻盈纺、半弹春亚纺三大平纹主流品种中210T喷水涤塔夫动销量较大,价格走势基本维持平稳。Taffeta, light textiles, half-elastic spring three plain mainstream varieties of Asian textile 210T taffeta water spray sold in larger, prices remained stable.

然而在远离舞池500个观众面前,我们就是一团螺旋状的丝织品和礼服,就算突然我们一半人身上起火了,也没人会发现。Yet out on the dance floor, in front of 500 guests, we are such a swirl of taffeta and tuxedos that I don't think anyone could tell if half of us suddenly caught fire.