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马戏团到了城里。The circus is in town.

他最后来到了马戏团。He ended up in the circus.

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她对马戏团音乐跳舞.She danced to the circus music.

做礼拜和看马戏相比,算不了什么。Church ain't shucks to a circus.

对。这里就是齐齐哈尔马戏团。Yes. This is the Qiqihar Circus.

天,马戏团来城镇.One day, the circus came to town.

她过去常常用一个马戏场旅行。She used to travel with a circus.

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对我来说,这音乐会和马戏表演一样好看。To me it was as good as a circus.

马戏表演使孩子们兴高采烈。A circus show entertains children.

Barnum的马戏团有很多新的表演。Barnum's circus had many new acts.

从中山广场到市银行。From Zhongshan Circus to City Bank.

我见到马戏团马做它第一.I saw the circus horse do it first.

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马戏团表演使每个人欣喜。The circus show delighted everyone.

他是个旧式的马戏团揽客者。He’s an old-fashioned circus barker.

到毕卡德利广场要多少钱呢?How much is it to Piccadilly Circus?

他是马戏团的驯兽员。He's an animal trainer at the circus.

我还去了皮卡迪利广场。I also went to the Piccadilly Circus.

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马匹在马戏场上腾跳。The horses pranced in the circus ring.

这队在马戏团帐篷下演出。The team performs under a circus tent.

然后有一天,来了一个马戏团。Then one day the circus comes to town.