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我有一个自由的摄录影机。I have a camcorder for personal use.

用摄录机和电脑制作电影Make a movie using a camcorder and computer.

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别忘了用摄像机或照相机把事情记录下来。Use a camcorder or camera to record the event.

三洋刚刚推出了VPC-PD2BK摄像机。Sanyo has just released the VPC-PD2BK Flip-style camcorder.

这款便携式摄像机可以使录像带快速倒回或前进。The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed.

如果你需要连续拍上几个小时,去买一个摄像机吧。If you want to shoot for hours on end, just buy a camcorder.

它扭转诺基亚N90的风格,转成摄像机的姿态拍摄。It twists, Nokia N90-style, into a camcorder posture for shooting.

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现在,假如我想买一台日本摄像机,我还会要一张保修单吗?Now suppose I want to buy a Japanese camcorder. Do I still need a warranty?

索尼人类发展报告tg1是世界上第一个摄像机使用纯钛作为其身体。Sony HDR-TG1 is the world's first camcorder using pure titanium as its body.

对任何家庭来说,有了一架新摄像机的那一天都是个值得纪念的日子.The arrival of a new camcorder is a red-letter day in the life of any household.

麦克基恩说,现在你可以买到一部几乎和专业摄像机一样好的便携式摄像机。You can buy a camcorder that is almost as good as a professional video recorder.

他晚上的时候拿着个录像机跟着她,还告诉她她很美。He followed her around that night with a camcorder and told her she was beautiful.

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系统利用CCD以及PCL730卡来完成气缸表面的图像的米集。Working scene adopts CCD camcorder to complete the collection of the image of cylinder surface.

你需要足够的光线才能使录相机捕捉致到你们最精彩的瞬间。You will need enough lighting so that the camcorder can capture a good image of the two of you.

他开始在居酒屋打工,用借来的摄像机把老爸的生活起居拍了个遍。He began working in the dishes, using borrowed Camcorder to her father's personal life took a times.

松下在上周高调发布了最新3D摄像机。Panasonic was prouder than a Mum on graduation day when it announced its new 3D camcorder last week.

你是否注意到,这年头,自从有了数码摄录机,就再也没人象以前那样老是谈论不明飞行物的事情了。Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to?

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你是否注意到,这年头,自从有了数码摄录机,就再也没人象以前那样老是说不明飞行物的事情了。Have you noticed since every one has a camcorder these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to?

这成套工具包括与摄象机适配器的一个流动性头、三脚架、分布器、FSB细胞和充电器并且运载案件。This kit consists of a fluid head, tripod, spreader, FSB cell and charger with camcorder adapter and carry case.

上传你用自己的数码相机,手机,或摄象机拍摄后剪辑的短片,并通过Vimeo与大家分享。Upload video that you shoot with your digital camera, mobile phone, or camcorder. Share video by linking to Vimeo.