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老人无畏地痛揍强盗。The old man lit into the robber fearlessly.

他们毫无畏惧地滑来滑去。They're skating around fearlessly. Come on.

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奴隶无畏地痛打他的主人。The slave fearlessly lammed into his master.

他睁开眼毫不惧色地看着这条蛇。Hercules opens his eyes and looks at the snake fearlessly.

天蝎座的你喜欢大胆的轰轰烈烈的生活,向往着策马奔腾一往无前的日子。Scorpios love having a big and bold life, and you love fearlessly.

教员总煽动饱动我们要敢讲英语。Our tepainfulnessr always encourage us to speak English fearlessly.

他勇猛无畏地痛打袭击者,很快他们都逃跑了。He fearlessly lammed into his attackers, and soon they all fled away.

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从现在起会哭,她会站,无所畏惧地面对她的命运。Will cry from now on, she will stand, fearlessly facing hers destiny.

那么,挣断铁链,我的小船,摆脱羁绊,无畏地冲向你的毁灭吧!Then break your chain, my boat, and be free, and fearlessly rush to your wreck.

我们离开困局的出路就是勇敢穿过隧道,直到我们到达光明的出口。The way out of our dilemma is to tunnel fearlessly through until we reach daylight.

在原来代码健壮和稳定的情况不必害怕复制。Code fearlessly on the copy, while the original remains fully functional and unmolested.

我知道,我工作上的压力依然不会减少,我只能勇敢面对别无选择了。I know, my pressure on work will be not reduced, I just can face it fearlessly but no choice.

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比乌龟更高的一个目标是在敌意面前依然不畏惧。An even higher goal than turtling, however, is to remain fearlessly human in the face of hostility.

这些外向的年轻人往往固执己见,经常毫无顾忌地挑战招聘者和上司。These outspoken young people tend to be highly opinionated and fearlessly challenge recruiters and bosses.

但这并不影响你,你会看到这些人勇敢的活着而追问他们在干什么。But that’s okay. You’d probably look at the same people living fearlessly and wonder what the hell they’re doing.

这种情况下,它们无畏的把自己抛向空中,抓住要着陆的树枝。In so doing they fearlessly fling themselves into the air and catch onto a branch of the tree they are landing in.

中华儿女为民族独立、人民解放和民主自由进行了英勇卓绝的斗争。The Chinese people fought fearlessly for the national independence, liberation of the people, democracy and freedom.

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许多曾经听过「莫比敌」的人,起初都像他们猎捕其他鲸鱼一样无畏的放下小艇去猎捕牠。Many who had heard of Moby Dick at first lowered their boats to hunt him as fearlessly as they would any other whale.

肖恩·曼宁没有采取任何保护措施,与一条2.7米长的美洲鳄水下"共舞",令观众惊叹。Swimming fearlessly beside the 2.7m long creature without anything to protect him, Manning's show stunned the visitors.

那是多么美丽的青春时光,所有的人都在真心地爱,无畏地付出,没有前怕狼后怕虎,也没有算计。How great is the youth time when everyone is loving and giving, sincerely and fearlessly , with no scare or calculation.