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国内外更多信息见包括读我档文件。Fore more info see included readme. txt file.

下载包中有一个简单的自述文件。A simple readme file is included in the download package.

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自述文件说明如何恰当地设置环境。The readme explains how to properly set up the environment.

全部细节和安装说明在自述文件。Full details and installation instructions in the README file.

自述文件建议在安装路径中避免空格。The readme suggests that you avoid spaces in your install path.

醒来的人自述名叫阿虎,系箭毒部落领袖之一。Wake AHu, fasten readme named one of poison arrow tribal leaders.

用户不必在使用程序前阅读自述文件。Users do not have to read a Readme file before using your application.

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至于“问题”,在readme.txt中有一个已知问题列表。Regarding "gotchas", there is a list of known issues in the readme.txt.

你可能需要阅读以下自述文件查看一些比较高级的补充功能。You might want to go through the readme file for some advanced tinkering.

关于更多镜头移动的细节,参考下面说明。For more details on camera movement, consult the next part of this readme.

例如包含文档的文本文件,如自述文件。An example is a text file that contains documentation, such as a Readme file.

DMUC核心的变化的最新信息,请参阅自述文件。Please see the Readme file for the latest information on changes in the DMUC Core.

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请参阅此安全更新的修补程序的Readme.txt文件或了解更多信息。See to the Readme. txt file for your hotfix or security update for more information.

请根据自述文件应用更新,并等候更新正常完成。Apply the update according to the readme file, and wait for this to finish as normal.

它包含描述如何根据本文的需要练习这些代码的指导。ReadMe.txt, which contains instructions outlining how you can try out the code for this article

本文件也包含因太迟而没有被收入其它自述文件中的最新信息。This file also contain last-minute information receive too late to include in the other readme files.

这个插件也须与层一起工作。自述文件会给你关于它的更多信息。This plugin also works with layers. The readme. txt file provides you with more information about its features.

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这个新站点的目的是提供一个访问这套流行工具包的固定地址。Intent of the new site is to provide a persistent location for access to the popular toolset. From the readme.txt

然而部份元件包含非开放源码成份,详情可细阅程式所附的说明文件。Just to remind you that some parts of the source code are not open-sourced. For details, please read the readme document.

这总好过期望用户从某处找出一个自述文件,并且它为您的文档创建一个熟悉的界面。This is better than expecting the user to chase down a readme file somewhere, and it creates a familiar interface for your documentation.