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为此我还浪费了化缘得来的食物。I wasted alms food meant for him.

我就请他们捐几文给我的穷人们。I should beg alms of them for my poor.

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救济品被分发给困难人群。Alms were distributed to those in need.

我妈妈常常周济穷人。My mother often gives alms to the poor.

请将这粗糙的食物带去给他。Please take my humble alms food to him.

我得悄悄地扔掉这斋饭。I must secretly get rid of this alms food.

政府向灾民发放了救济品。The government provide alms to the victims.

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艾米表示不会接受张和平的施舍。Amy says it will not accept ZhangHePing alms.

每天早晨僧人要轮流获得施舍。Every morning they must go on their alms round.

詹姆斯没有向别人乞求周济照样过活。James lived on without begging alms from others.

这位妇女广创善事,多施救济。This woman was full of good works and alms deeds.

政府向灾民发放了救济品。The government offer alms to the disastered victims.

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木榻前面有一只放捐款的铜盆。In front of the wooden bed was a copper basin for alms.

穆斯林必须慷慨施舍帮助穷人。The Moslems must give alms generously and provide for the poor.

一次两个可怜的女人来到她的城堡前,祈求施舍。Once two poor women came to her in her castle, and begged for alms.

他看见彼得约翰将要进殿,就求他们周济。Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.

有眼光的人赚个“钵满”,没眼光的人赔个“底儿掉”。Helping people earn a "alms bowl of" no vision people paid a " bomb out.

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“不,”查拉图斯特拉回答,“我不会施舍。要施舍我还不够穷。”"No," replied Zarathustra, "I will give no alms. I am not poor enough for that."

天使对他说,你的祷告和你的周济,已经上达神面前,蒙记念了。And he said to him, Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God.

天使说,你的祷告,和你的周济,达到神面前已蒙记念了。And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.