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唾液要用一小时的时间才能中和掉由食物和饮料产生的酸性物质。Saliva takes about an hour to neutralise the acid created by a food or drink.

这些分子有可能会对身体产生伤害,而抗氧化剂征稿可以阻止减缓这一过程。These molecules can damage healthy body tissue, and antioxidants neutralise them.

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当有证据显示蛇毒液螫入体内时抗蛇毒血清被用来中和蛇咬毒素。Antivenom is used to neutralise snake bite toxins in people showing evidence of envenomation.

一个可能的任务用于一艘SSGN将会支持和发射UUV去中立隐蔽地布雷。A possible mission for an SSGN would be to support and launch UUVs to neutralise mines covertly.

你在她做可疑事情的时候突然出现,她是在试图把你卷进来,从而息事宁人。You burst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you.

这个NLP技巧会中和掉由这些情景引起的负面情绪。This NLP technique will help you neutralise negative emotions that get triggered by such situations.

饭后一块切达,会中和你嘴里的酸,从而有助于防止蛀牙。A cube of cheddar after a meal will neutralise the acids in your mouth, thus helping to prevent tooth decay.

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人是一种群居的动物,显然,他所呼出的致病细菌要互相残杀,彼此抵消。Man is a gregarious animal, and apparently the mischievous microbes he exhales fight and neutralise each other.

莱切进攻,科尔多巴在与皮纳尔迪的一对一较量中胜出并将球破坏出界。Ivan Cordoba wins a duel with Pinardi then brings the ball out of the Nerazzurri box to neutralise a Lecce attack.

即使这样,我们也能够抵消任何核子武器的影响,无论它们在哪,企图蒙骗我们都是毫无意义的。Even so, we can neutralise any nuclear weapons wherever they are, and it is pointless in attempts being made to deceive us.

你应该等30分钟让酸性物质中和后再刷牙,或使用含氟的漱口水来中和酸性物质。Instead wait for 30 minutes for the acids to neutralise before brushing or even use a fluoride mouthwash to help neutralise the acid.

这些纳米分子采用同一模板制作,所以他们能够捕捉特定结构的分子并消灭它们。The nanoparticles are created around a template so that they match the shape of the target molecules and can capture and neutralise them.

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他能均匀肤色,给你的皮肤光泽,我在没有上任何妆的时候试验过。It helps to neutralise colours that shouldn't be there and make your face look more radiant. I tested it on the face without any makeup on.

如果特别想吃,那么不要小口小口吃,一次吃完,这样唾液可以尽快的中和掉口腔中的酸性物质。If you must snack, eat it all at once, rather than picking at it, so that the saliva can quickly neutralise the acid generated in the mouth.

同时,哪些带有医用口罩和醋浸泡过的毛巾,中和瓦斯气体的,示威者,甚至去诊治伤员。At times, protesters who had come equipped with medical masks and vinegar-soaked towels to neutralise the gas even attended to injured troops.

一方面,特立尼达和多巴哥队今天大打防守战,踢得非常谨慎,整场比赛都试图与英格兰队握手言和。On the one hand, Trinidad and Tobago played very defensively and cautiously , spending almost the entire game trying to neutralise their opposition.

抗氧化剂不同程度的存在于水果、蔬菜、草药和植物种子中,其对于健康非常重要,因为它能消除加快老化的自由基。Antioxidants – found in all fruit, vegetables, herbs and seeds in varying levels – are important because they neutralise molecules called free radicals.

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香茅冻,里面有些香茅及果冻,是一道可以中和味蕾上过于刺激的辣味的甜品。Chilled Lemon Grass, using the lemon grass and the jelly as desserts, managed to neutralise the spiciness on the taste bud of the previous spicy dishes.

该科更定期与内地和海外的执法机构联络,交换情报,消弭和防止非法活动。It also liaises regularly with Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies for exchange of intelligence to prevent and neutralise illegal activities.

因为这一错误,印度陆军无奈在卡吉尔抵触中对巴基斯坦炮兵火力实行回击因此遭遇重大伤亡。Due to this negligence, the Indian Army could not neutralise Pakistan's artillery fire effectively in the Kargil conflict and suffered heavy causalities.