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进行一个百周年社区计划。Conduct a Centennial Community Project.

但他的别称是百庆州。But its nickname is the Centennial State.

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Banpu在五月成为Centennial煤炭公司最大的股东。Banpu became Centennial Coal’s biggest shareholder in May.

这是一个80天的冒险,在美国的一百一年。It was an 80-day adventure, during America's centennial year.

第26届世界百年奥运盛会正在亚特兰大举行。Now the 26th Centennial World Olympic Games are in full swing in Altanda.

正是本着这样的精神,我接受诺贝尔百年和平奖,心中仍觉得受之有愧/心中仍觉愧不敢当。It is in this spirit that I humbly accept the Centennial Nobel Peace Prize.

新世纪的新年,就在这欢跃的气氛中,一下子走近了。The centennial New Year is just around the corner clothed in the delightful mood.

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但最棒的是,这个百年纪念的梦想就在各位手中─因为你们是扶轮社员。And the amazing thing is this Centennial dream is in your hands — because you are Rotarian.

目前正值特拉维夫的百年庆典,这条从布鲁塞尔运来的“花毯”是庆典的贺礼。The carpet is a tribute from Brussels to Tel Aviv, which is celebrating its centennial year.

芙蓉空艳色,百年人事尽如斯”,“万古事已休,碧水向东流。Hibiscus empty colour, Centennial personnel do so", " all things now, clear water flows to the east.

在大教堂建成一百周年的庆祝活动上,马克第一次见到了他的父亲。Mark met his father for the first time at the centennial celebration of the cathedral's construction.

Centennial说,Banpu已经向澳大利亚政府外资审查部门提出了批准该项交易的申请。Banpu has applied to Australia’s Foreign Investment Review Board to approve the deal, Centennial said.

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对Centennial煤炭公司的收购肯定正是伴随着那些不确定因素的排出而来。The takeover for Centennial Coal has certainly come about with the removal of some of that uncertainty.

恰恰十天以后,在夏季奥运会举办期间,一枚炸弹在亚特兰大世纪公园内爆炸。Ten days after, a bomb exploded in Atlanta's Centennial Park during the height of the summer Olympic Games.

我的下一步计划,是前往迪亚哥百年纪念音乐会,参加为这一传奇的吉普赛爵士吉他演奏家举办的专场。Next, I'm going to a Django 100 concert, commemorating the centennial of the legendary gypsy jazz guitarist.

1876年,在费城的百年纪念博览会,自由女神的前臂和火炬进行展示。The forearm and torch of the Statue of Liberty on display at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876.

该公司甚至将公司一百周年的庆祝活动放在上海而非米兰举行,因为它认为公司未来的发展在中国。It even celebrated its centennial in Shanghai rather than in Milan, because China is where it sees the future.

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双方的交流与互访非常密切,去年下半年,布林德利馆长应邀参加了中国国家图书馆百年馆庆纪念活动。Last year, Chief Executive Dame Brindley attended the centennial celebration of the National Library of China.

阿荣。柯普兰,美国最有名气,也是最有人气的作曲家,千僖之年应是他100诞辰。Aaron Copland, America's best-known and best-loved composer would have been 100 years old this centennial year.

在这种趋势下,中国传统文化学面临着世纪变革,也正在实现新的价值转换。Under such situation Chinese traditional culturology faces the centennial changes and the transformation of value.