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但是来自空间天体的异动But trepidation of the spheres

一丝惊恐闪过Hale的脸上。A hint of trepidation shows on Hale’s face.

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我诚惶诚恐地着手这个项目。I approached this project with great trepidation.

我和我的同事诚惶诚恐的接受了这项工作。My colleagues and I agreed to do so with some trepidation.

虽然我的种种担心并没有完全缓和,我还是很激动。Although my trepidation was not completely assuaged, I was excited.

凯瑟琳挂了电话,她有一种突如其来的惶恐不安的感觉。As Katherine hung up, she felt an unexpected twinge of trepidation.

单词“恐惧”是指他们超自然生命的颤抖。The word "dread" refers to trepidation of their supernatural being.

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微软员工心态复杂,在放松和紧张之间摇摆。Back at the Microsoft campus, employees veered between relief and trepidation.

费特发现辛塔丝还活着时陷入巨大的忧虑。It was with great trepidation that Fett discovered that Sintas was still alive.

你活在这样的角度,你存于这样的角落,你会有多少惶恐。You live in this point of view, you are in the corner, you will have much trepidation.

但后来人们意识到他是在保护他们时,他们就不那么惊恐了。But after people realize he's out to protect them, he says their trepidation eases somewhat.

医学界正在对掺杂着让人赞赏与忧虑的“病人2.0”理念抱持观望态度。The medical community is watching such Patient 2.0 endeavors with a mix of admiration and trepidation.

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禁忌是因对某种神秘或不洁事物的恐惧而以消极回避的方式所进行的自我抑制。The taboo is a negative self-repression for trepidation that come from some mystery or feculent something.

外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否会遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵这句话,面对第一个来临的顾客。When I face a closed door I will say them and knock while the failure waits outside with fear and trepidation.

在我访问的时候,国会刚刚再刺激方案中拨给清洁技术数十亿美元。When I visited, Congress had just allotted billions to clean energy in the stimulus. Yet the trepidation was palpable.

面对蜂拥而至的婴幼儿软件,一些教育家和儿童发展专家感到十分担忧。That worries some educators and child-development experts who view the flood of baby and toddler apps with trepidation.

她这信付邮之后,就等着那命运所系的一日,心中交混着恐惧和切望的感情。She mailed the letter, and then waited, with mingled feelings of trepidation and thrilling expectancy, the arrival of the fateful day.

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赛义德向卫报透露了一段来自贝琳达日子的摘录,日记显示出了科汗一家人在贝琳达出发当天既兴奋又恐惧的心情。Extracts from Belinda's journal that Saeed showed to the Guardian reveal excitement and trepidation as the day of departure approached.

事实上,在太平洋两岸,我们的确看到对中国的崛起以及对美中关系的未来的某些疑惧。Indeed, on both sides of the Pacific, we do see some trepidation about the rise of China and about the future of the U.S.-China relationship.

在他们的统治之下,麻木和盲从真的是一种“幸福”,它们可以让人免却一些恐慌和矛盾。Numb and following blindly are really a kind of happiness under their ruling and can prevent human from confronting some trepidation and conflict.