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假设你蓬头垢面地到办公室上班。Maybe you come to the office disheveled.

图书馆的桌子上摆着一堆凌乱不整的书。A disheveled pile of books on the library table.

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妈妈瘦骨如柴,披头散发,显示出一副疲惫的样子。Mom was stick thin, worn looking and with disheveled hair.

不准在公园内拾荒、行乞,衣冠不整者不准入园。Scavenging, begging, disheveled were not allowed in the park.

帝刹桀一愣,被发现了么。The emperor Cha Jie is one Leng, disheveled hair immediately.

有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。Sometimes this beautiful girl can is a disheveled little sprite.

她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip.

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专业内衣展览会,18岁以下人士及衣冠不整人士恕不接待。Professional lingerie fair, the age under 18 and disheveled can't come in.

她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip, but Mrs.

我同一位帮联合国维持治安的欧洲妇女交谈,她头发凌乱,衣衫不整。I asked a disheveled European woman working with the United Nations about security.

那是一个男孩,一头蓬松的短卷发,栗色的眼睛。There was a boy. He had short, disheveled brown hair and matching chestnut-colored eyes.

昨天,衣衫不整、头发蓬乱且久未剃须的罗先生从一名救援士兵那里借来了一套制服。A disheveled and unshaven Luo yesterday borrowed a uniform from soldiers on the rescue mission.

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头发凌乱得像吹乱的枯草,眼睛布满血丝,颓然地趿拉着拖鞋。Hair disheveled like wind-blown withered grass, eyes blood-shot, shuffle languidly in the slippers.

在目前我国的学术界,对于疑罪从无的研究是散乱的。In our percent academe, the study about "in dubio pro reo" which means no punishment in doubt case is disheveled.

他的灰眉毛和灰头发显得有些蓬乱不整,嘴角的髭须也不美观。His gray eyebrows and gray hair looked rather shaggy and disheveled and his side-whiskers anything but decorative.

他们还好奇地看几位警察围着询问一位推着购物车的衣冠不整的人。They watched with curiosity as several police officers surrounded a disheveled looking man pushing a shopping cart.

在队伍穿过一个集镇时,他看到一个披头散发的女人,手里拿着一块银元,疯了似的边诉说边嚎啕。When the troops went through a market town, a disheveled woman holding out a silver dollar complained and wailed like mad.

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如今,一切都已随风而去,而我正站在被风吹乱的夏天里,任由思绪迷失方向。Now , everything has gone with the wind , and I'm staying in the summer that is disheveled by the wind , allowed my mind to wander.

不过在中国攀爬了金贸大厦后,他被警方关押了5天,出来后衣冠不整,精神疲惫。But in China, he was jailed for 5 days after his ascent of the Jing Mao tower from which he emerged disheveled and in some distress.

他头发散乱,眼睛瞪圆,下巴抵在胸膛上,就像要被砍头的犯人一样。His hair was disheveled. His eyes were popping. His chin was pressing on his chest, like a convict's before his head is chopped off.