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自我怀疑可能是一种潜在的问题。Self-doubt can be a stealthy problem.

这只青蛇继续鬼鬼祟祟的打猎。The snake continues its stealthy hunt.

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在他鬼鬼祟祟的威胁中有一种恶魔的气质。There’s a touch of demon in his stealthy menace.

谁以悄悄的蹑步在跟着我?Who are you that follow me with stealthy silent steps?

任务种类从全面进攻到特种行动。Missions vary from full on assaults to stealthy spec-ops gigs.

它们不喜欢陆地,但在水中隐蔽良好、行动自如。They are cumbersome on land, but stealthy and sleek in the water.

这些对容坎作品中那种悄无声息的效果都至关重要。All this appears crucial to the stealthy effect of Ryokan's works.

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黑暗魔能在黑夜隐蔽自己,有潜行的能力。Fiends of Darkness are able to hide in the night and are stealthy.

她那躲躲闪闪的柔弱身体,也变成了那片景物中不可分割的一个部分。Her flexuous and stealthy figure became an integral part of the scene.

它的隐形能力会足以保证其不被地空炮火发现。the jet would be so stealthy that the ground-to-air guns would never find it.

这些使T-Hawk成为一个隐蔽侦察和监视工作的薄弱平台。These facts make the T-Hawk a poor platform for stealthy reconnaissance and surveillance work.

由于不必载飞行员,无人飞机可以安装反雷达的隐形外壳。Without the need to accommodate crew, drones can be given strange radar-cheating stealthy shapes.

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我从门缝往外一看,只见一个贼头贼脑的人正拿着一把大钳子撬我家的门呢。I looked out from the door slit and saw a man with stealthy behavior picking the lock of the door.

带有两个类似于F-22所特有的角形尾翼,这显然是为了隐形。With two distinctive angled tail fins like those of the F-22, it's clearly intended to be stealthy.

这种鬼鬼祟祟的动物其实是肉食者,不过还是被香醇的果实引诱到树上来了。This stealthy animal is really a carnivore but is tempted into the trees by irresistible ripe fruit.

尽管身高两米多,但万帕冰兽却是一种潜行猛兽。Despite standing over two meters in height, the wampa ice creature is nonetheless a stealthy predator.

这些中国人要有多大的勇气和决心才能冒险偷渡到美国来呢?What kind of grit or desperation must these Chinese throb with to risk the stealthy voyage to America?

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副翼还增大了飞机的雷达反射面,而隐形飞机的设计师们希望能够消除这种雷达反射。They also generate a lot of the radar reflections that designers of stealthy aircraft wish to eliminate.

郑人使子濯孺子侵卫,卫使庾公之斯追之。The people of Chang sent Zi Zhuo Ru to make a stealthy attack on Wei, which sent Yu Gong Zhi to pursue him.

白色的精灵飘飘洒洒落在你的脸上,身上,甚至眼睛里,化作晶莹的水滴,碎了,化了。White snow flakes fall down slowly and stealthy and adhere to your body , face even eyes then melt into drip.