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牧师对主教是否过于恭顺?。Are priests too subservient to their bishops?

他们不像很多人想象地那麽顺从中国。They're not as subservient to the Chinese as many people think.

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他们受制并服从于这个超神的领域。They are bound by, they're subservient to, this metadivine realm.

南方的妇女娇小可爱,毕恭毕敬,很有礼貌。The women of the south are diminutive, subservient and very polite.

对于自己笔下滑稽可笑或是卑躬屈膝的黑奴,斯托女士并没有丝毫不敬的态度。For all her comic or subservient blacks, Mrs Stowe did not disrespect them.

奴颜婢膝的附庸则很快就会导致外来日益增加的种种压力。A subservient client would soon face an accumulation of ever-growing pressures.

对这类人物来说,真相是可塑的,总是服从于政治目标。To such figures, truth is always malleable, always subservient to political goals.

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难以想像其他行业里存在如此彻底臣服于一家的现象。It’s difficult to imagine another industry so thoroughly subservient to one player.

男女差别在暹罗也是非常明显的,女性是明显屈从于男性的个体。Gender differences in Siam are also very clear and women are clearly subservient to men.

所以不管嘉宾是多显赫的人物,左边的位子都让他/她显得卑微。So no matter how famous the guest may be, sitting to the left makes him or her seem subservient.

要记得你生活上困恼和烦扰,没有一点是徒然的。There is nothing in life which harasses and annoys that may not become subservient to the highest ends.

它们臣服于那个需要它们阐释的观点,上帝的观点,是的,上帝也是实实在在的。They are subservient to an idea that they have to express, which is the idea of God, right, and God is real.

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竞选委员会被公认为是穆塞韦尼的拥簇,同样对他惟命是从的还有警方、军方和司法部门。The Electoral Commission is widely viewed as subservient to Mr Museveni, along with the police, army and judiciary.

只有那些病态的反女权主义的人,她们即使成年了,还想自己的举止像孩子一样吗,对男人很顺从。The only people who are sick are anti-feminist women who want tobehave like adult children & be subservient to men.

无须使用武力或暴力,人们就会遵从这些观念,而远离自己的真实需要。Images can make people subservient and disconnected from their true needs, without the use of physical force or violence.

记住,不像屈服了的欧洲,中国是世界上除美俄外唯一真正独立的国家。And mind it, unlike subservient Europe, China is the only truly independent country in the wold besides the USA and Russia.

但这种年龄的象不容易被人驯服,因此早期必须委之于极强有力的老手。But animals of this age do not easily become subservient to man, and a very firm hand must be employed in the early stages.

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反共顽固派对外奴颜婢膝,投降妥协,对内搞封建主义。They are subservient to foreign countries, compromising with them and surrendering to them, and practise feudalism at home.

就这样,一位卑下、做下手的孤女,居然摇身一变,成为当时世界上最有势力的波斯国皇后。That day, a humble, subservient orphan girl was transformed into the queen of Persia, the most powerful kingdom in the world.

要记得你生活上困恼和烦扰,没有一点是徒然的。There is nothing in life which harasses and annoys that may not become subservient to the highest ends. They are His mountains.