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英语竞赛活动。English reading contest.

你参加了竞赛吗?Did you entre the contest?

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围棋是一种战略竞争。Go is a strategic contest.

在比赛中阿嘟唱得最好。Du sang best in the contest.

我准备好参加这场角逐。I am ready for that contest.

歌咏比赛谁赢了?Who won the singing contest?

在比赛中,简得了第一名。Jane came top in the contest.

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我们来一个跳高比赛。Let’s have a jumping contest.

网上发生的任何事都像是一种争夺赛。Every thing on-line is a contest.

她在竞赛中表现良好。She came off well in the contest.

如何在个别讲评竞赛中胜出?How to Win the Evaluation Contest?

他们在举行游泳赛。They are having a swimming contest.

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我第一次遇见她就是在一场辩论赛上。I first met her at a debate contest.

它具有一定的竞赛性和趣味性。It has certain contest and interest.

他是那次选美比赛的一名评审。He was a judge at the beauty contest.

你在瞪眼大赛中胜过阿宝了没?!Did you beat Po in that staring contest?

他得到了比赛的最高奖。He got the highest award in the contest.

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汤姆在比赛中胜过自己的对手。Tom aced out his opponent in the contest.

他两在莱卡我型我秀的比赛中相遇了。The two met in the "Lycra my show"contest.

我们队在比赛中占先。Our team led all the others in the contest.