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我让人把报告打了成字。I had my report typed.

数据没有被严格输入吧?Data is not rigidly typed?

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医生给她测了血型。The doctor has typed her blood.

一些,一些主题用打印着赤焰战场。Some, some subjects typed in red.

他打进自己的口令进行注册。He typed in his password to log in.

今天早上我用打字机打了三封信。I typed three letters this morning.

她用打字机打出了原件及两份副本。She typed an original and two carbons.

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我有一些文件需要打到电脑里。Yes. I have some documents to be typed.

是每一个打出这一条目的谷歌用户吗?Every Google user who typed in the term?

键入的帐户名无效。The account name you typed is not valid.

“干净的水,”恩佐那天晚上敲进这样的字。"Clean water," Enzo typed in that night.

课程论文要打字而且要空一行打。Have your paper typed and double? spaced.

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打字变得很难,因为我打得慢。It became difficult because I typed slowly.

学生们输入他们记得的单词。Students typed in the words they remembered.

用PFGE方法对细菌的染色体进行基因分型。Chromosomal gene patterns were typed by PFGE.

我没有要打字的理货单证,谢谢你。I have no tally papers to be typed. Thank you.

这个API是强类型的吗,容易传错参数吗?Is the API Strongly Typed and Difficult to Misuse?

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她给尼克松发了一封电子邮件,他很快就来了。She typed an e-mail to Nixon, who came right away.

高频组合不宜在相邻手指。Digraphs should not be typed with adjacent fingers.

电报通常都用大写字母打出。Telegrams are usually typed out in capital letters.