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有人怀疑柯林不可能把飞机空运过来。Some doubt Kirlin can get them airborne.

但是,空降部队遇到了不幸的命运。The airborne forces however met hard fortune.

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我们是空降部队,注定要被包围。We are airborne soldiers, bound to be sieged.

一会儿,他们又在天空练习飞行了。In a moment they were airborne again, practicing.

犬瘟热是少得多罕见的,这是空降。Canine distemper is much less rare, and it is airborne.

另外,它还控制'棉花飞'和残留空中皮棉。It also controls 'cotton fly' and residual airborne lint.

空气中的二恶英还不只是垃圾焚烧厂唯一一个问题。Airborne dioxin is not the only problem from incinerators.

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空军装备中心为空军与海军研发空降装备。The AAC develops airborne munitions for the Air Force and Navy.

每次出击飞性能停留空中大约七小时之久。The aircraft can stay airborne for about seven hours per sortie.

树也会成长、变化、老去,就跟它们空中的亲戚一样。Trees grow and change and disappear like their airborne cousins.

树会成长、变化、老去,就跟天空的浮云一样。Trees grow and change and dissipate like their airborne cousins.

空中的敌机正在瓦解我们的奇袭行动!Yuke Squadron The airborne enemies are disrupting our operations!

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新病毒如果传染给人类,将是致命的。It will be a virus lethal to humans. An airborne hemorrhagic fever.

凯瑟琳说,“他们兄弟俩都是101空降部队的成员。"Both boys were members of the 101st Airborne Division, " she said.

我觉得空降师中的战友会认为我已濒临崩溃。I thought the soldiers in my airborne unit would think I was broken.

航空磁梯度仪在六十年代中期交付使用。The airborne magnetic gradiometer came into use in the middle 1960s.

空降兵战士们正在利用跳伞塔练习跳伞技术。airborne soldier is making the bail-out tower to practice bailing out.

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空降部队的任务是从侧翼掩护两栖进攻。The airborne units were to secure the flanks of the amphibious assault.

不过,跟从前不同,世界贸易中占有额日益增加的是空运。However, unlike the past, an increasing share of world trade is airborne.

空降部队正在隐藏他们的降落伞,去集合地。Airborne troops are hiding their chutes and going to the gathering points.