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不要死记硬背,而要活说活用。Don't memorise it, live it.

我想背下这首诗来。I want to memorise this poem.

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读完、记住,然后你就再也不需要自己思考了。Read, memorise and you need never think again.

试着记住你喜欢的镜头并表演出来。Try to memorise the scenes you like better and show them again.

记住你的积极肯定思想,或者记在一个卡片上,放在身边。Memorise your CATs or jot them on a sheet of card to keep at hand.

当我看到中文歌词时,有种相识的感觉!Please come back to me girl One love one love the memorise are beautiful.

一代代学子都被要求背诵鲁迅脍炙人口的作品和词句。Generations of schoolchildren have been forced to memorise his most famous works.

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如果是要去记忆一些内容的时候,你就不用运用相同的方法阅读。You do not need to read in the same way you would if you needed to memorise something.

不管我是谁,珍藏的记忆揭示着回忆的无情。No matter who I am. The pecious memorise comes to me inffers that the facts are so crue!

据科学家研究显示,要记住刚学到的知识,最好的方法莫过于睡觉。The best way to memorise newly-acquired knowledge is to go to sleep, scientists believe.

据迷信野研讨隐示,要忘住方才学到的知识,最好的体例莫过于睡觉。The best way to memorise newly-acquired knowledge is to go to sleep, scientists believe.

同时它也能记忆与不同的人之间发生的互动,并记起他们的面孔。It is also able to remember its interactions with different people and memorise their faces.

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学生应学些什么由教学大纲死死地规定了下来,这便促使学生去死记硬背。What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorise.

我们在写的过程中就可以记住那些字。在中文里读和写是息息相关的。Through writing, we memorise the characters. Reading and writing are more closely connected in Chinese.

他们知道黑斯廷斯战役就够了,不需要知道它发生在1066年。It is enough that they know about the Battle of Hastings, without having to memorise that it was in 1066.

研究显示,实际上,攥起右拳并握紧能让你更容易地记住列表内容。Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly actually makes it easier to memorise lists.

在开始记一长串数字前,他们先四个四个细分,然后再将这些0000到9999的数字段和某个人或事物关联起来。Before starting to memorise a number, they associate a person or object with each four-digit number from 0000 to 9999.

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一天,我们走向生命的边缘,猛然细心回顾,何时何地给我们更多的欢愉和笑颜?And when we reach life's rubican, And take a backward view, There'll be few memorise that can, Out shine those of Chefoo !

其中一项实验是给受试者一张画有八只动物的图片,让他们记住动物的顺序。This involved being shown a picture of eight animals and being asked to memorise the order in which the creatures appeared.

中国学生基本上缺少一种学习的能力,甚至是缺少一种关键的思考问题的方式,举个例子来说,文学专业的学生要记住西方作家的名字和他们的作品,但是他们很少真正的去阅读他们的文章。For example, literature students memorise the names of western authors and their works. They seldom actually read the texts.