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他将因被指控敲诈而受审。He faces trial on extortion charges.

因此,现在真实的情况完全是纯粹的勒索。So what’s really going on is extortion pure and simple.

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勒索使智慧人变为愚妄,贿赂能败坏人的慧心。Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.

所有证据显示,罗纳尔多是这起勒索案的受害者。All the evidence points to a case of extortion with Ronaldo as the victim.

哥武也通过贩卖毒品、绑架诱拐、敲诈勒索来筹集资金。They also ran drug, kidnapping and extortion rackets to finance their war.

阿尔瓦说,敲诈都是口头进行的,没有书面证据。Mr. Alva says the extortion attempts happened verbally, so nothing is in writing.

这使得研究者有机会看到勒索市场是如何调节地。This gave the researchers the chance to see how the extortion market would adjust.

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陈还被指控挪用公款、洗钱、藉势藉端勒索的行为。Chen is also accused of embezzlement, money laundering, influence peddling and extortion.

大部分指控都和怀疑敲诈曼哈顿一家无上装俱乐部有关。Many of the charges stemmed from an alleged extortion scheme at the Manhattan topless club.

根据当地媒体报道,这些黑帮涉足非法赌场、放高利贷,以及勒索。Local media reported the gangs were involved in illegal casinos, loan sharking and extortion.

毒枭将作出调整,并继续从可卡因、海洛因、绑架和勒索中获利。Cartels would adapt and continue making profits from cocaine, heroin, kidnapping and extortion.

刑讯逼供在我国及世界各国都普遍存在,有着深远的历史及现实原因。Extortion by torture is a worldwide phenomenon which has deep historical and realistic reasons.

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近日,该男子因涉嫌敲诈勒索罪被萝岗区检察院批准逮捕。Recently, the man has been arrested for extortion Luogang District Procuratorate approved the arrest.

据都市快报报道,广东东莞许多医院遭遇艾滋病感染者的勒索。According to Urban Express reported that the Guangdong Dongguan hospital suffered much extortion AIDS.

以前曾有一位募集资金者托尼•雷兹科因挪用教师基金而被判刑。In the past Tony Rezko, a convicted former fund-raiser, tried to use the teachers' fund for extortion.

报告详细叙述了警察残暴、腐败、勒索、绑架等事件。The reports recount episodes of police brutality, corruption petty and large , extortion and kidnapping.

他因与加里.克里斯特一起绑架并勒索了芭芭拉.简.马克尔而被通缉。Along with Gary Steven Krist, she was wanted for the kidnapping of Barbara Jane Mackle, and for extortion.

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常见的动机是勒索,黑客以索要钱财为条件停止入侵或同意不进行攻击。Extortion is a common motivation, with hackers demanding money to end or agree not to carry out an attack.

匿名的网络化市场甚至会让可恶的暗杀和勒索市场成为可能。An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion.

侵入民宅的抢劫案和对企业的勒索成为越南社区的严重问题。Home invasion robberies and extortion of businesses became serious problems in the Vietnamese neighborhoods.