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白线是城市边界。White lines delineate city limits.

行动会描述和定义你。Action will delineate and define you.

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女人常常被描写成不如男人。Women are aways be delineate not as good as men.

首先,我使用了注释来描绘代码的各个部分。First, I used comments to delineate sections of the code.

描述数据名称代表的数据的类型。Delineate the type of data being described by the data name.

对黄框内区域的景观特写则呈现为右面的两张图片。Areas outlined in yellow delineate close-up views on the right.

这样的老鼠提供了最好的描素基因功能的方法。Such mice provide the best way to delineate the function of a gene.

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分析测定土壤中的铀以圈定构造。Neutron activation analysis for uranium in soild may delineate structures.

行车道上镶嵌反光路钉,用以划分行车道的边缘或行车。Road studs delineate the edges of a carriageway or the division of traffic lanes.

浮华的岁月雕刻了枯树的年轮,消散的时光勾画出纠缠的掌纹。The gaudy years carved the tree rings, abreaction time delineate entwine palmprint.

科学家们开始研究详细记录了大规模灭绝事件的岩石层。Scientists then began searching the layers of rocks that delineate mass extinctions.

一片片嫩绿隽秀的新茶芽,一张张开怀温馨的笑脸,勾画出一幅丰硕饱满的采茶图。Vivid green tea shoots and warm smiling faces delineate a fleshy tea culling picture.

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它们定义页面的组织,并划分内容的不同部分。They define the organization of your page and delineate different sections of content.

开始,我渲染了草来界定出花园的边界。So to begin, I created the grass parts that will delineate the perimeter of the garden.

几个世纪以来,我们一直用地图描绘已经由政治划定的疆界。For centuries we have used maps to delineate borders that have been defined by politics.

关于如何精确地确定组件粒度,行业中有有众多的不同看法。There's a wide-ranging opinion in the industry on how to precisely delineate component granularity.

从而勾画出作为自为之本体论结构的有限性与超越性之整体。So we delineate the whole of limitation and transcendence as ontological structure of being-for-self.

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公司们可以明确定义那些时间是“在工作”,那些是“准备工作”或“不在工作”。Companies can put in place policies that clearly delineate time spent “at work,” “on call” and “away from work.

这项研究就是现代生物学家试图勾划物种分界线时面对的问题的一个例子。The study is an example of the problems that modern biologists face when trying to delineate species boundaries.

说着,就拿了笔在另一张澄心纸上画了几笔,立刻勾勒出清竹的影子。Say, take pen at another Cheng heart paper up drew several pens, immediately delineate the shadow of pure bamboo.