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海水将海岸冲击得凹凸不平。The sea indents the coast.

野人海岸迅猛龙遗址。Savage Coast Raptor Fields.

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船紧靠着岸边而行。The boat hug ged the coast.

我们什么时候能到海边?When do we reach the coast?

守者配置于海岸沿线。The path lies along the coast.

我们在海边度周末。We're weekending on the coast.

我这次去海滨旅行非常愉快。I enjoyed my trip to the coast.

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岩石海岸线上的头巾企鹅Chinstrap Penguin on Rocky Coast

目前在沿海部份地区设为海滨公园。Park was set up along the coast.

风将在海岸上辐散。Winds will diverge at the coast.

你可以极目远眺,看见海岸。You can see as far as the coast.

我沿海岸线向南旅行。I traveled south along the coast.

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海岸线从此处转向南方。I traveled south along the coast.

移至公海――离开海岸。Move to high seas-keep off coast.

斯卡伯勒位于东海岸。Scarborough is on the east coast.

那条船靠近海岸航行。The ship kept close to the coast.

他们正在海边度周末。They are weekending on the coast.

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但如果敌人侵犯我们的海岸。But, should foes assail our coast.

他挥动着手指向海岸的方向。He waves a hand towards the coast.

我不愿在岸边爬行。I would not creep along the coast.