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哇,快看那个!最新型的光轮2000!Wow, look at it. The new Nimbus 2000!

想法周围的光环让我们相形见绌。We are overshadowed by a nimbus of ideas.

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然后他就在一道能量光环中消逝不见了。And then he vanishes in a nimbus of energy.

雨和雪通常都是来自雨云。Rain or snow usually comes from nimbus clouds.

一个专家小组汇集了关于云雾方面的理论。One expert panel debated a nimbus cloud theory.

一种与外表无关的灵气和美丽。A nimbus and beauty irrelative with the appearance.

而Nimbus外观则“为Swing应用提供一个更加现代感的外观”。The Nimbus look and feel provides "a more modern look for Swing applications".

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看,“哈利听见他们中的一个人说,”光轮两千——这可是迄今为止速度最快的啊。Look, " Harry heard one of them say, "the new Nimbus Two Thousand — fastest ever.

在耶鲁大学的校园中,你能吸点总统的灵气吗?In the campus of Yale University , can you feel the nimbus of the Presidents of USA?

珂赛特仿佛觉得马吕斯戴着一顶王冠,马吕斯也仿佛觉得珂赛特顶着一圈光轮。It seemed to Cosette that Marius had a crown, and to Marius that Cosette had a nimbus.

人们慢慢察觉,巴厘岛的宁静、灵气与文化遗产渐渐变质。People gradually come to notice that the serenity, nimbus and cultural legacy in Bali have decayed.

她,圆圆的脸,梳着“娃娃头”,眼睛虽不大,却透着灵气。She , round face, are combing " though baby head " , eye being leaking being outing nimbus not too , but.

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艾米卢·哈里斯到现在都还是我心目中的女神,她那银色秀发灵光拂过双肩令我倾倒。Emmylou Harris is still a goddess in my book, with that nimbus of silver hair floating past her shoulders.

一个眼角上斜的中国妇女在给一个婴儿喂奶,而婴儿身上闪着上帝化身的神圣光环。A slant-eyed Chinese woman is nursing a baby, and about the child is the glorious nimbus of divine incarnation.

拉思叶对宁博司的忠诚就像其它忘灵对她的主人一样,这也是宁博司并没有太信任拉思叶的原因。Lasaye is as loyal to Nimbus as any undead is to her master. And this is why Nimbus doesn't trust Lasaye too much.

另一方面,小悟空和弥次郎兵卫也回到了加林仙塔,在那儿,小悟空领略到了自己新生的力量,同时还得到了一片新的筋斗云。Meanwhile Goku and Yajirobe return to Korin 's Tower where Goku discovers his new powers and is given another Nimbus cloud.

德拉科·马尔福的父亲以为球队购买一整套光轮2001为交换让球队同意让德拉科担当找球手。Draco Malfoy's father purchased a set of Nimbus 2001 brooms for the team in exchange for their allowing Draco to play Seeker.

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Nimbus号是一个可以在全球范围内作业的快速反应系统,它可以携带18吨的分散剂。Nimbus is a quickly deployable system that can be flown to any part of the world and can carry up to 18 tonnes of dispersant.

神话语言对宗教情感的培养是由万物有灵的“元语言”决定的。Cultivation of emotions for religion through the language of myth is decided by the "metalanguage" with a belief that everything in the world has a nimbus.

为了表示感谢,龟仙人把筋斗云送给了小悟空,这是一片只有心灵纯洁的人才能乘坐的会飞的神奇云彩。As a token of appreciation, Master Roshi presents Goku with the Flying Nimbus Cloud, a magical flying cloud that can be ridden only by someone pure of heart.