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而一切,将从马其顿开始。And everything starts from Macedonia.

以三个复仇女神的名义为什么你要我管理马其顿?。Why by three Furies would you want me to govern Macedonia?

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保加利亚由色雷斯,摩西亚以及马其顿帝国这三个区域构成。Bulgaria is comprised of the regions of Thrace, Moesia, and Macedonia.

甚至你们作了马其顿和亚该亚,所有信主之人的榜样。So that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia.

rm文件使用免费开源的VLC媒体播放器。Republic of Macedonia file using the free open-source VLC Media Player.

拉布里安尼德斯是马其顿大学研究经济问题的学者。Lois Labrianidis is a regional economist at the University of Macedonia.

在斯洛伐克1-0小胜马其顿的比赛中,斯科特尔打满了全场。Martin Skrtel played the full 90 minutes as Slovakia beat Macedonia 1-0.

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炎热引发的野火正在希腊、意大利和马其顿等国蔓延。Wildfires caused by the heat are ragging in Greece, Italy and Macedonia.

我出生在南斯拉夫的马其顿的奥赫里德乡村。I was born on the village of Vivcani near Ohrid in Yugoslavian Macedonia.

波黑在老南斯拉夫联邦是仅次于马其顿王国的最贫穷的国家。BH ranked next to Macedonia as the poorest republic in the old Yugoslav federation.

马其顿自2001年以来在建设多民族民主国家方面迈出了重大的步伐。Macedonia has made significant strides since 2001 in building a multiethnic democracy.

他的回答是它必须是一个监督,因为他曾计划通过马其顿路线。His response was it must have been an oversight as he had planned the route via Macedonia.

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中国全国人大外委会代表团也将于今年访马。A delegation of the NPC foreign affairs committee would visit Macedonia sometime this year.

据英国媒体4月15日报道,马其顿议会议长特拉伊科?According to British media reported on April 15, Speaker of the Parliament of Macedonia Tel Boiko?

温家宝说,近年来中马关系发展顺利。The relationship between China and Macedonia has developed smoothly over the past years, Wen said.

据说,有马商把比赛弗勒斯带到亚力山大的父亲、马其顿国王菲力浦跟前。The story is that a horse dealer brought the horse to Alexander's father, King Philip of Macedonia.

酒庄于1928年由马其顿皇帝亚历山大所建,现为伊兰洛夫家族所拥有。The winery was built in 1928 by King Aleksander of Macedonia and is now owned by the Elenov family.

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崔志伟大使强调,捐赠将在马其顿的社会生活的改善作出贡献。Ambassador Zhiwei stressed the donation would contribute to improvement of social life in Macedonia.

约西波维奇在会谈中表示,克罗地亚将继续强力支持马其顿融入欧盟进程。Josipovic in the talks that Croatia will continue to strongly support Macedonia into the EU process.

梅花国王是大马其顿王国年轻的亚历山大,国王大卫是方片国王。The young Alexander the Great of Macedonia is the King of Clubs and King David is the King of Spades.