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爸爸充当我的洗澡盆!Daddy is my bath tub !

浴盆里的水还满着。The tub is still full.

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老太婆果然有了一只新木盆。He had a new woman tub.

这浴缸是给哈巴狗的。The tub is for the pug.

她要一只新的木盆。She wants a new the tub.

这个浴盆还未消过毒。This tub has not sanitated.

错了,我们还想要热水盆浴。But no, we want a hot tub too.

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那女孩把衣服放在木盆里洗。The girl washed clothes in a tub.

你怎么知道我在泡澡?How did you know I'd be in the tub?

婴儿喜欢在浴缸中溅水。The baby liked to splash in its tub.

水晶浴缸2.14米长,61厘米深。The tub is 2.14m long and 61cm deep.

水冒着蒸汽流进浴盆。The water ran steaming into the tub.

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我需要在热腾腾的澡盆里好好地泡一泡。What I need is to soak in a hot tub.

需要为汽缸做灌浆或防漏。Caulk or grouting needed in tub area.

如果可以的话,浴缸应该提高高度。If anything, the tub should be raised.

你的茆草棚或你的木桶。Because thy humble cottage, or thy tub.

我们在早饭前洗个冷水澡吧。Let's have a cold tub before breakfast.

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为了放浴缸,我们做了一个小的凹陷。We designed a little niche for the tub.

他从桶里舀了一些冰淇淋。He scooped some ice-cream out of the tub.

独立的淋浴间和浴缸在主浴室。Separate shower and tub in master bathroom.