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大脑是一个难以接近的器官。The brain is an inaccessible organ.

深居在光明中,肉眼不能见。In light inaccessible hid from our eyes.

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冬天经由水路不能到达我们的农场。Our farm is inaccessible by boat in winter.

路被堵住了,所以现在进不了城。The road is blocked,so the town is now inaccessible.

作为奢侈品牌必须制造望洋兴叹的感觉。Often inaccessible as a luxury brand must make sense.

为什么你就可以萤幕上是不能制?。So why can screensavers be inaccessible on your system?

为什么哈迪先生的办公室其他任何人都达不到?Why was Mr. Hardy's office inaccessible to anyone else?

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老师和孩子们住在想象不到的偏远地方。The OSP teaches Nepalese children living in inaccessible places.

发现一只小羊就在他前方,在不可接近的、光亮的岩柱上。He found the lamb beyond him, on the inaccessible pinnacle of light.

当然,点删除了的服务,是出现。Service 'XXX' of type 'MapServer' does not exist or is inaccessible.

以此机为例,2、3、12、13字楼及地库的各层是不能前往的。For this one, levels 2, 3, 12, 13 and basement levels are inaccessible.

而较差的网络资源集却是不完整、不准确和难以使用的。While the AWR of poor quality is incomplete, inaccurate and inaccessible.

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古莱先生是那种谨小慎微的人物,既无真挚的情感,又无男性的冲动。Mr. Gryce was of the chary type, most inaccessible to impulses and emotions.

任何掉在地上的东西会滚落到最难接近的角落。Anything dropped on the floor will roll over to the most inaccessible corner.

我们实在想象不出,为什么全世界都认为格温妮丝·帕特洛的形象高不可攀。We can't imagine why all the world perceives Gwyneth Paltrow as inaccessible.

美国海军直升飞机向苏门答腊一些难以接近的受灾地区投放食品救援物资。US Navy helicopter crewmen drop food parcels to inaccessible areas in Sumatra.

如果某台服务器出现故障,其上的数据在服务器恢复之前都不能访问。If a server fails, the data it holds is inaccessible until the server recovers.

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7月22日,所有MySQL.com的网络服务都无法进行访问。As of July 22nd, all Web services have become completely inaccessible.

另一方面,无法进行清洁的屋顶会变脏。At the other end of the system, roofs that are inaccessible for cleaning get dirty.

他们做了一个人工的海滩以及防止人类和狗进入的沙洲。They made artificial beaches and sandbars in areas inaccessible to people and dogs.