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其他书名传教士汉学硏究。The study of missionary sinology.

我们必须策励教友传教的工作。We need to motivate members to do missionary work.

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熊长老是传道部最有钱的传教士。Elder Hsiung is the richest missionary in the mission.

此人便是意大利人德理格。This man is the Italian missionary Theodoricus Pedrini.

工作职员应穿防静电工作服和防静电鞋。The missionary should wear antistatic clothing and shoes.

我们不准备这样的传教使徒声威。We do not prepare ourselves for this kind of missionary apostolate.

第二次宣教旅行时,有西拉和提摩太同工。For his 2 nd missionary journey, there was Silas, and later Timothy.

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在1880年一个著名的传教士的布道会上,美国的传福音者W。In a famous missionary sermon in 1880, the American evangelist W. E.

我在前生已经被预派做一个传教士。In the pre-earth life, I was already foreordained to be a missionary.

对保罗来说,西拉是第二次宣教旅行的合适人选。It was a good fit for Paul's purpose in this 2 nd missionary journey.

壁上,塔柱上面,雕刻有释迦牟尼佛传教事。Wall, above Tower, a sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha do missionary work.

梁健民宣教士来自香港,在秘鲁宣教达四年之久。Derek is a missionary from Hong Kong who had served in Peru for 4 years.

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他传教的历程在帝国铺下了基督教的基础。His missionary journeys laid the foundations of Christianity in the Empire.

1906年,传教士张道惠夫人将洋芋引入石门坎。In 1906, missionary Pev and Mrs Harry Parsons brought potato into this area.

基督教在华医疗事业是其传教事业的重要组成部分。Medical missionary enterprise was an important part of Christian enterprise.

她和她的丈夫哈勒瓦·朗宁一样,是路德教会的传教士和教师。She, like her husband, Halvor Ronning, was a Lutheran missionary and teacher.

在一七四九年他乘船来到墨西哥开始作为一个传教士他的生命。In seventeen forty-nine he sailed to Mexico to begin his life as a missionary.

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向穆斯林传福音估计是所有福音事工里最艰难的一项。Evangelism amongMuslims is probably the most difficult of all missionary tasks.

这就是传教式的特别版。This is how the special version of the missionary position should be performed.

地带领袖每月都要向会长报告传教的情况。Every month the ZLs report to the president about the status of missionary work.