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现在的平均寿命已达到75。5岁。Life expectancy is now 75.5 years.

她去见他时带著有所期待的神情。She go to meet him with an air of expectancy.

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我喜欢的一个指标是平均寿命。One of my favorite metrics is life expectancy.

平均寿命从46岁增加到了48.5岁。Life expectancy increased from 46 to 48.5 years.

但是,如果他出生在1900年,他的寿命就会达到47岁。Born in 1900, he had a life expectancy of 47 years.

人类的预期寿命已有显著提高Life expectancy for humans has increased dramatically.

日本人的平均预期寿命,女性为八十六岁、男性为七十九岁。Life expectancy for Japanese is 86 for women, 79 for men.

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因为恰从那年起,人均预期寿命开始回升。As it happens, in that year life expectancy started rising.

由于生活舒适,此地女性的平均寿命高达94岁。It's so comfortable that female life expectancy here is 94.

上校告诉你们飞行员的平均寿命有多长吗?Captain tell you the life expectancy for pilots around here?

大致说来,女人的寿命比男人长。Generally speaking, women have a longer expectancy than men.

人口寿命已从1949年的41岁延长到今天的73岁。Life expectancy has risen from 41 years in 1949 to 73 today.

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整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is indubitable as expectancy.

目前新疆人口平均期望寿命延长到71.12岁。Life expectancy in Xinjiang has been extended to 71.12 years.

何解男生比女生寿命更短暂?Ever Wonder Why Men Have a Shorter Life Expectancy than Women?

整个市场的成长不如预期是无可置疑的。The growth of the whole market is not indubitable as expectancy.

古罗马时,一个婴儿的寿命仅仅为22岁。A baby boy born in ancient Rome had a life expectancy of 22 years.

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日本同时也是女性平均寿命最长的国家,为86岁。Japan also tops world life expectancy list for women with 86 years.

预期寿命将会出现可观的跨国趋同。Considerable cross-national convergence in life expectancy will occur.

孟加拉国的人均寿命为66.9岁,印度为64.4岁。Life expectancy in Bangladesh is 66.9 years compared with India’s 64.4.