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建立站场技术档案,及时更新技术资料。Build technical dossier of station and it in time.

张毅指着文件柜里的一排档案卷宗说。Chang pointed to a row of file cabinets file dossier said.

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如果他不喜欢你,会就会把你解雇掉,并且给你建立一份FBI档案。And if he didn’t like you, he could fire you AND keep an FBI dossier on you

未录取者,其申请表件及所缴费用均不退还。NO application dossier can be returned, and the application fee is NOn-refundable.

随后,我们的卷宗档案被送到了海地当局,供有关部门进行验证和核准工作。Then our dossier went to the appropriate Haitian authorities, to be verified and approved.

即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with.

剩下旳,我们称之为“文学”,它是人类愚蠢行为旳记录,它给未来旳教授提供指示。The rest, called literature, is a dossier of human imbecility for the guidance of future professors.

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纳姆索夫在其网站上公布了一份档案,并指控莫斯科市长卢日科夫腐败,而后卢日科夫将其告上了法庭。Luzhkov is suing Nemtsov after he published a dossier on his website accusing the mayor of corruption.

哈玛迪是针对今天稍早前英国政府发表的伊拉克军火档案作出反应。Hammad directed his response against a weapon dossier on Iraq released by British government earlier today.

本周,印度有了新动作,它向外界公布了一份档案,以此支持它对巴基斯坦政府的指控。This week India stepped up its efforts. It released a dossier of evidence to Pakistan and other governments.

准备该档案的布莱尔的助手们也有嫌疑,但还没有进行调查。But the questionable involvement of Mr Blair’s own aides in the preparation of the dossier went largely unexplored.

新闻报道称,这份250页的不明飞行物袭击文件来自苏联国家安全局,其中包括图片和目击证言。The newspaper reports of a 250-page KGB dossier on the UFO attack, which included pictures and witness testimonies.

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收、发料管理,财务管理,工资管理,档案管理以及常用报表管理。It can be used in all the warehouse vocational work, such as documents, wages, dossier recall and report forms, etc.

普京称文件中有关川普2013年在莫斯科一家酒店里参与性活动的指称是“捏造”。Putin described as "fake" an allegation in the dossier that Trump engaged in sexual activities at a Moscow hotel in 2013.

文书立卷改革为实现档案管理现代化提供了良好机遇。The reform on making paper files into dossier provides opportunities to realize the modernization of the archives management.

但在BuzzFeed公布之前,它没有曝光,尽管很多新闻机构,包括时报,已拥有该卷宗数月。But it hadn't until BuzzFeed published it, even though many news organizations, including this one, had the dossier for months.

GIA实验室为那些在D-Z的颜色范围中并且在0.15ct-1.99ct发行的钻石小证书是为那些零碎的自然生成的钻石颁发的。The GIA Laboratory issues the Diamond Dossier for loose, natural diamonds between 0.15 and 1.99 carats, in the D-Z color range.

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“这可能会花一整天的时间才能汇编出一份你的像样的档案,”他说,而一个独特的名称只需花费几分钟。"It would probably take a full day to compile a decent dossier on you, " he says, while a unique name takes just a few minutes.

这都包含在独特的遗传卷宗,所有版本都会通过遗传卷宗,来收集形成。All that will be contained in the unique genetic dossier and the whole edition will be formed by collection of genetic dossiers.

由Symantec反毒公司技术人员发布的一份文件中称,Stuxnet是“一个前所未有的、巨大且复杂的威胁。”The authors of a dossier produced by Symantec, the anti-virus company, found that Stuxnet is "an incredibly large and complex threat.