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那怎么解释这一矛盾呢?So what explains the contraction?

其实,收缩是虎头蛇尾。In fact, contraction is a cop-out.

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当然,“let's”也是一种缩写。Of course "let's" is a contraction.

为什么,为什么会出现这种情况呢Why? Why are seeing this massive contraction?

我们对信用形成大规模收缩。We have massive contraction of credit formation.

咳嗽时腹肌用力收缩。When cough musculi abdominis effort contraction.

“收束”伴随着肌肉的收缩或挤压。Bandhas involve the contraction or squeezing of muscles.

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每一压缩算子能被扩张成一个部分等距算子。Every contraction can be extended to a partial isometry.

而这时我的宫缩也开始变得有规律了。And at the same time I started to feel regular contraction.

又一阵收缩。我放声呼喊,不能抑止。Another contraction. I was really loud and couldn't help it.

第二,美国企业可以平稳地抵住紧缩。Second, U.S. businesses are poised to withstand contraction.

这是感到经济恐慌时产生的收缩。That's the kind of contraction you get in a financial panic.

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这将是1982年以来第一次全球性萎缩。This would be the first global contraction since since 1982.

举一些我们日常生活中热胀冷缩的用处的例子。Give some uses of expansion and contraction in our daily lives.

这在道时间的第96个周期时发生。This began to occur in the 96th contraction cycles in Tao Time.

他突然感到一阵惊恐,心都抽搐起来。He had a sudden sense of alarm, a cold contraction in his stomach.

方法应用血管平滑肌等张收缩的方法。Methods Isotonic contraction of vessel smooth muscle was recorded.

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这一矛盾致使对抗式审理方式不能真正建立。This contraction is leading the pattern of defend trial in failure.

这种心房和心室收缩的结合称为一次心跳。The combined contraction of the atria and ventricles is a heartbeat.

世界经济自1945年以来还没有出现过年度萎缩。The world economy has not suffered an annual contraction since 1945.