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旧中国是一个半封建半殖民地国家。Old China was a semifeudal and semicolonial country.

鸦片战争后,中国逐步沦为半封建半殖民地社会。After the Opium War, China was gradually reduced to semifeudal and semicolonial society.

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一八四○年以后,封建的中国逐渐变成半殖民地、半封建的国家。After the Opium War of 1984, China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semifeudal country.

“欧陆风情”相当于我国半封建半殖民地时期,三十年代的折中主义建筑。"Euro Customs" to my semifeudal and semicolonial period, the 1930s, construction compromise.

新民主主义革命把一个半封建半殖民地的旧中国变成了一个独立自主的新中国。New-democratic revolution into a semifeudal and semicolonial old China into an independent new China.

中国进入半殖民地半封建社会以后,山西的经济、文化发展受到严重破坏。After China enters the semicolonial and semifeudal society, Shanxi's economy, the cultural development receive the heavy damage.

换句话说,国民党出于其半封建的本性,同满洲人民深恶痛绝的分子联合了起来,从而奠定了一场阶级战争的基础。In other words, the Kuomintang, true to its own semifeudal nature, allied itself with the most hated elements in Manchuria and thus laid a basis for a class war.

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蘩漪的悲剧,撕开了半封建半残殖民地中国肌体上的脓疮。暴露了旧中国家庭和社会的罪恶。The tragedy happened in Fanyi broke up the running sore of Chinese skin in the semicolony and semifeudal society and exploded the guilty in the old chinese family.

有数千名赞比亚人依靠这座半封建的种植园生活,但是随着时间的推移,戈尔-布朗却因宣扬非洲自治出了名。Thousands of Zambians depended on the semifeudal Shiwa plantation for their existence but Gore-Browne became known over time for his advocacy of African self-rule.

有数千名赞比亚人依靠这座半封建的种植园生活,但是随着时间的推移,戈尔-布朗却因宣扬非洲自治出了名。Thousands of Zambians depended on the semifeudal Shiwa plantation for their existence, but Gore-Browne became known over time for his advocacy of African self-rule.